
New Member
Not a problem, more a bit of a niggle.

I've got an 03 TD4 auto which (finding a bit of wood to grab) is working nicely for now. I've only had it for a month or so but have noticed a bit of a 'problem'. When changing from drive to neutral, the box is obviously going into neutral, but most of the time the indicator in the dash remains on D, and the LED down by the gear selector either stays on drive or goes out completely. When bored in traffic I sometime have a bit of a try at getting it to go into neutral fully (all sensors etc.) but generally end up in reverse, which must confuse the hell out of the person behind me :rolleyes: This also applies when engaging drive from park, in that the dashboard display tells me it's in drive but it's only got to neutral and I end up going nowhere...

This only occurs between drive and neutral - all other gears the sensors all pick up nice and correct. Would adjusting/checking cables etc. (as mentioned in Haynes) be worth attempting, or should I just thank the powers that be that the gearbox still does what it's meant to do, even if the displays say otherwise?
Not a problem, more a bit of a niggle.

I've got an 03 TD4 auto which (finding a bit of wood to grab) is working nicely for now. I've only had it for a month or so but have noticed a bit of a 'problem'. When changing from drive to neutral, the box is obviously going into neutral, but most of the time the indicator in the dash remains on D, and the LED down by the gear selector either stays on drive or goes out completely. When bored in traffic I sometime have a bit of a try at getting it to go into neutral fully (all sensors etc.) but generally end up in reverse, which must confuse the hell out of the person behind me :rolleyes: This also applies when engaging drive from park, in that the dashboard display tells me it's in drive but it's only got to neutral and I end up going nowhere...

This only occurs between drive and neutral - all other gears the sensors all pick up nice and correct. Would adjusting/checking cables etc. (as mentioned in Haynes) be worth attempting, or should I just thank the powers that be that the gearbox still does what it's meant to do, even if the displays say otherwise?

Sounds like it could be the linkage from the selector - I may be wrong but I think this might be via some sort of adjustable cable that if slightly out can cause issues.
I'm sure some of the more experience folk on here can advise on how to fix it, but I think it involves putting in park and adjusting under the autobox.

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