
New Member
hi guys, need some advise, found myself a tidy disco and my first landrover but its an auto, i had planned some very light and vary rare off road fun with friends, will the auto box be up to it? and will fitting slightly bigger wheels/tyres mess up the auto box? cheers:)
hi guys, need some advise, found myself a tidy disco and my first landrover but its an auto, i had planned some very light and vary rare off road fun with friends, will the auto box be up to it? and will fitting slightly bigger wheels/tyres mess up the auto box? cheers:)

Autobox TD5 cars are imo, better than manual for off-road due to their flexibility.

1. Select low ratio and D and you will be able to climb just about any slope, in part because you will never be in the wrong gear, unlike with a manual car where, if you get it wrong, you might need a drop a gear half way up.

2. Some criticise auto for downhill work, but you can select low range 1, the torque converter will lock up so you have a perfectly controlled descent.

3. If you manually change up their is no loss of traction because there is no de-clutching

Can't think of any more but autos rule off-road..........imo.......

Re tyre size, it's up to you. If you are only doing mild green-laning there is no need. There more extreme stuff might need more ground clearance so bigger tyres can be useful. But if you go that way it is a slippery slope. You get bigger tyres so you can do more, so you do more and find you need even bigger tyres.

Really off-road driving is about understanding the kit you have, and reading the tracks properly to achieve the best result with what you have.

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