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Hi Everyone.
We have just got back from out Family Landy trip to Portugal (Sagres) via Pyrenees (off road), Marbella, Gibraltar and Portugal (Sagres the most westerly point in Europe) - oh and back again
All went well and the prep that was done paid off with no major issues (see other thread if interested)
Only issues were leaking Transfer box (I think caused by the near 40 degrees heat) but leak was actually small, Snorkel fell off on last but one day (rivet failure) and other than that she performed really well.
I attach a short vid of the parts and spares we took - although not many were needed it was good to have them and could have fixed the snorkel if needed.

Again sorry for quality but might help someone as we spent a lot of time thinking what to take. This was in addition to standard tools/spares (belts, tape etc)

Lucky You...or Unlucky Me. Our trip this year in a well-prepped vehicle and a boxfull of spares had us stuck in Belgium for 3 days with a knackered vacuum pump and an enforced overnight stop back in the UK, on the way home, to replace a front propshaft joint. We had spares for the latter and used a kerbstone as an anvil to fit it, but the vacuum pump had us stuffed. Since there's no equivalent of Halfrauds in Belgium, it had to be a Main Dealer. You can guess the rest.:(
Sorry to hear that, we would have had no solution for a broken vacuum pump and would have been in a mess. I guess the landy gods were smiling upon us. What was the first Symptom if the VP going - lack of brake pedal feel or lack of braking?
Sorry to hear that, we would have had no solution for a broken vacuum pump and would have been in a mess. I guess the landy gods were smiling upon us. What was the first Symptom if the VP going - lack of brake pedal feel or lack of braking?
We were coming off the motorway and (trying) to slow down at the slip. Luckily the traffic was light and no-one too close in front, or the story wouldn't have been happy. As it was, standing - and I mean standing - on the brake pedal slowed us sufficiently to regain control and after that it was very careful driving to the nearest campsite.
On reflection, we'd had a small oil leak for quite a while which defied all attempts to locate. It must've been the first sign of the problem, possibly a crack in the pump housing, and the leak became quite a haemorrhage once the pump failed; we left a trail of engine oil all the way to the garage.

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