Muddy Gonzo

During the recent weekend trip over Strata a few of us talked about doing the peak district, so i'm gonna sort a run out for the Aug Bank hol 28th and 29th.
I think its only fair to offer the first spots to those that went on the Wales trip which was sorted by 90 Boy & Redhand. The trip will include the steps & chapelgate, tissington ford and more than a few scratchy lanes, aswell as houndkirk moor and lady cannings.
There will be a Recce run on the weekend of July 3rd & 4th if anyone wishes to tag along and i could do with somebody offering to lead one of the groups.
Like I said said first shout goes out for all the people that did wales any spaces afterwards will be passed on to everyone else and there will be a total slot for 12 vehicles, 6 per group.

Hi Gonzo, put me down for the bank holiday run, and i'll do the recce with you but it's probably better having someone who knows the area or has memory map to lead a group, think Tim has mem map!
I can lead a group for you if you want mate no problems, I should be able to come on the recee as well
I can lead a group for you if you want mate no problems, I should be able to come on the recee as well

Great stuff thanks buddy that will be a big help im hoping john lad and topcat will make the recce aswell and im gonna hold a space for Paul D as he was on the original wales list and i know hed like to make one with everyone, are you happy leading 6 vehicles.
Great stuff thanks buddy that will be a big help im hoping john lad and topcat will make the recce aswell and im gonna hold a space for Paul D as he was on the original wales list and i know hed like to make one with everyone, are you happy leading 6 vehicles.

Yes no problem at all i can lead 6 should be a good weekend :D
Yes no problem at all i can lead 6 should be a good weekend :D

Greatstuff cheers well the route will be pretty rocky on sat with houndkirk moor, stanage and chapelgate then on sunday a mixed bag with scratchy lanes and a good water run at tissington ford which can get pretty deep if it rains.
Greatstuff cheers well the route will be pretty rocky on sat with houndkirk moor, stanage and chapelgate then on sunday a mixed bag with scratchy lanes and a good water run at tissington ford which can get pretty deep if it rains.

sounds good to me mate shall be looking forward to it:D
can i show an interest in a place on the provisional list guy's,if you don't mind a relative noob tagging along that is" :)
Well halo your very lucky at the moment because one of the original wales crew cant make it so I'll put down now as there replacement but please tell me if your not gonna make it.

1. Muddy Gonzo + 1
2. 90 Boy
3. Johnlad
4. Dent
5. Halo
Well halo your very lucky at the moment because one of the original wales crew cant make it so I'll put down now as there replacement but please tell me if your not gonna make it.

1. Muddy Gonzo + 1
2. 90 Boy
3. Johnlad
4. Dent
5. Halo

which of us cant make it?:D
Will do Darren shame your in normandy mate gonna keep the recce to 6 vehicles so at the moment we have

1 Muddy Gonzo
2 Redwingslandrover
3 Topcat
4 Johnlad
5 90 Boy

Topcat cant do the bank hol run so like redwings hes gonna do the recce instead.

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