Cat's Eyes

New Member
Some git has nicked the back of my nearside wing mirror..............Arsehole!!! :mad:
I hope it falls off when they put it on their Freaklander!!

Oh hello BTW :D
Anyone wanting to purchase the back of a wing mirror please see redhand.......Ere dunt I recognise you from some time ago
wheres your witchy avatar gone.......cant go sneaking back in all in disguise like
You're back! Wayyyyyhaaaayyyyyy!!!!

Good to hear from yer - how yer keepin?

:) :) :) :D :D :D
Hello Trew,
I'm good thanks,...............well apart from my wing mirror! I've been very busy and just getting on with life...........You ok :) I see not much has changed on here.............infact nothing has! LOL!!!

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