
Have just almost had my 90 stolen from outside my house in the ecclesall road area of sheffield.

I woke to a few small bangs (luckily I checked as it's really windy here so thought it was just the wind) looked out the window to see a hooded male inside my 90 ripping the disklok off.

Im on my own so shouted out the window and he ran off along with another male on the opposite side of the road who was on lookout.

They had just got the lock off when they ran off so I reckon they were just minutes/seconds from taking it.

The steering wheels very bent and the door locks bust. But apart from that I'm very lucky to still have my landy!

Speaking to the police they've had a few attempted and two stolen in the last week in sheffield. So please keep an eye on yours.

When I get it back I will be fitting it with allot more security!! But the disklok has just saved it!

Indeed, I can't explain the anger I felt when I saw the two 'scumbags' out of my window inside my pride and joy ripping the wheel off.
I've worked my ass off to afford this and then spent hours fixing it just to have it taken in a matter of minutes from people that have probably never done a decent days work.
It seems the police will be doing nothing unfortunately, they sent 1 car to have a quick look around the area for 10mins then gave up.
I'm very lucky to still have mine, a few moments slower and my pride and joy would have been gone.
All I can say is the more security the better ! The disklok saved mine, just, but will be buying a pedal lock and wheel clamp today also as I know they will be back at some point .
Hi Noggin,

Sorry to hear about that. Mine went from Sheffield City Centre two nights ago.

So do you think they were planning to drive the vehicle away? We didn't know whether they had driven it away or dragged it out of the compound. I'd just like more info so I know what to do to make it harder for them next time.

Any more detail about the people involved so I can keep a lookout for them as they will no doubt be back.
hiya mate,

I'm gutted for you, i saw your post on here and know how it feels.
Im certain these would have been the same people, its probably a small gang.
Im also pretty certain that they were planning to start it somehow and drive it away themselves. Both the doors were wide open ready for the lookout guy on the other side to hop in i guess. But there was absolutely no sign of any other vehicle around, there were a few taxis but definitely nothing capable of towing/loading the defender on.
Was yours in a quiet compound? because they were very quiet and could have spend a long time undisturbed removing your security stuff before starting it.
As for evidence I've got hardly anything to go on unfortunately. All i saw was two young white males, both in hoodies and it was too dark to get anymore detail than that. I reckon they were fairly young, probably 20-30 by their builds. (probably young scumbags doing the donkey work to earn some drug money from the people that are actually behind these organisations!)
The police said nothing really, and dint do any forensics as they said they would have just been wearing gloves anyway.
Theres so many going missing there really needs to be something done and soon, i don't understand how the police can watch some many being stolen and not put some sort of scheme into action to catch them, especially in a city like sheffield where theryre disappearing left right and centre.

Sorry i couldn't have been of more help. ill keep a good look out for yours or anything suspicious. Let me know if you want to know anything else.
And i hope you find a lovely replacement!

all the best

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