Rusty Spanner

Active Member
Woken up 4am this morning to the sound of the telephone ringing, As soon as I picked the phone up the car alarm sounds. Dash outside to see the door on the 90 open nobody in sight. Turns out the telephone was the battery disconnect warning from sky tag, scrotes had cut the positive battery cable were it exits the seat box hoping to disable the alarm. Thank fook the alarm has its own internal wiring.
They were obviously not deterred by the big yellow disc lock or pedal lock though, worried they will be back now and kind of hoping they were only opportunists looking for tools
Not sure if this is a coincidence but I've noticed a gold tricked up Disco 2 in the street the past couple of days
Just a heads up really to anyone in the area :(
Got my eyes peeled since they attempted to steal mine can't have nothing good. Also only 3 weeks ago someone stole the rear windscreen from the back off my father in laws disco WTF.
Little ****s glad they didnt get it. Get sum more protection on it. And hope they dont come.back

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