
New Member
Earlier today someone entered eckington school grounds in order to try and steal my defender. They have messed it up fairly badly, ignition barrel gone, wiring loom destroyed and the thug even decided to smash my sub for no reason what so ever. This was in broad daylight at around 11am and on school grounds. They wanted the car. Nothing was taken from inside and I can only assume that they saw someone coming. My immobiliser slowed them down long enough to stop them stealing it but they had run all the wires needed to bypass it. When i got there the interior was destroyed, the ignition was on and it took me and a fellow defender owner less than a minute to get the car running using only the wires they had run.
No other cars were touched so I believe they followed me in order to steal my car specifically. Be aware tonight. Mine is now locked up with the wheels taken off for security but they could strike again. These pigs were brazen enough to walk into a school in broad daylight to steal my defender so they could do anything at night. If anyone has any details I'm sure I could send some beer your way or better still, bring a few people I know and break their legs.

Anyone in eckington, killamarsh, mosborough or surrounding areas be aware.
Bastids :mad: Sorry about your Landy but at least you've still got it

Thanks pal. I really was gutted. I got to it and the door was open and I thought it was a mate winding me up. As I got nearer I saw a wire running from inside to the bonnet and then my heart just sank. Got inside and it was a total mess. All the dash has been ripped out and destroyed. I am thankful I still have it but I'm gutted is just began to snow and I now have no car. Hopefully it will be fixed by monday because I'll stay up all night if I have to to show the worms I won't be beaten. It's just unlucky that I was only supposed me be there for an hour an gone by 10 but I decided to stay to help out until 1.
Thanks pal. I really was gutted. I got to it and the door was open and I thought it was a mate winding me up. As I got nearer I saw a wire running from inside to the bonnet and then my heart just sank. Got inside and it was a total mess. All the dash has been ripped out and destroyed. I am thankful I still have it but I'm gutted is just began to snow and I now have no car. Hopefully it will be fixed by monday because I'll stay up all night if I have to to show the worms I won't be beaten. It's just unlucky that I was only supposed me be there for an hour an gone by 10 but I decided to stay to help out until 1.

I bet your gutted :( I felt bad enough when I got an axe though my rear door and thats nothing by comparison. Thank fook yer immobiliser slowed them down
I bet your gutted :( I felt bad enough when I got an axe though my rear door and thats nothing by comparison. Thank fook yer immobiliser slowed them down

It was only a crappy thing but it's saved me a car. I don't want to get paranoid about it but now I don't want to leave it anywhere. In future it will be in the compound with at least a disc lock on and it will not be left anywhere near any trees etc that people can hide in. I suppose that when we own the best cars people are bound to be jealous. What's really annoyed me is the fact they have broke into my boot and done nothing but punch the cone through on my rather expensive sub. It's just needless vandalism. Did they actually just open the boot to do that because there's no other reason to. These people are just filth. If anyone ever finds a thief I'll help them in giving them a lesson because I know exactly how they feel now. Can't believe they destroyed my speakers for no reason :mad:

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