
New Member
Hi All,

30/10/13 my Defender was broken into and the Tw*ts tried to break the factory steering lock! I assime they were going to tow it away but as it was parallel parked they would have had to turn the wheel!

As it turns out the steering column gave in to the pry bar (or whatever theu used) and snapped!

This left the defender with no steering at all!

They got away with only a coat my wife left inside!

Location was Barnsley, South Yorkshire.

Just a warning to others in the local area.

Landy is buggered though. Needs a lot of work to get sorted....
i have a police friend who does barnsley and there is a certain person in that area that is causing allsorts of problems with stealing landys he did mention a name but I can't remember it but I could find out!!!!
I'm sure if your mate knew you were posting this on an open forum he wouldn't be your mate for much longer. This could cost him his job and possibly criminal charges as well.

If he tells you sommat in confidence then keep it that way.
Name and shame......fook that! He wants taking to the remotest place your landy can reach, a good hiding and a long walk home.
I once knew I guy that did that
he caught somone trying to rob his garage tools
he kicked the crap out of him bundled him in his van with one of his mates and took him to the middle of the yorkshire moors at about 2am (kid was ****ing himself) took his socks and shoes and his phone and told him to walk home! it was about 5 miles to the closest house.
Next day police turned up and nicked him for nidnap and battery he got a 2year suspended sentence (hes a good mate never named who was with him:D )
But weres the funcking justice in that?
Next day police turned up and nicked him for kidnap and battery he got a 2year suspended sentence (hes a good mate never named who was with him:D ) But weres the funcking justice in that?

You could say he was charged then! :5bsmilielol5:

time to leave I think.................. :eek:
Hammer to the knee caps and dumped outside the closest gypsy camp, not worth doing time for these scrotes
I'm sure if your mate knew you were posting this on an open forum he wouldn't be your mate for much longer. This could cost him his job and possibly criminal charges as well.

If he tells you sommat in confidence then keep it that way.

wasnt told in confidence he said his name loud enough for most people to hear!!

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