I'm new to this too but the way I do it is this:
First, by using photoshop or a similar programme make sure the file size of your image if it's a jpeg is less than 244 kb. This can be done by reducing the number of pixels in your pic (with photoshop you go to image/image size and alter the pixels in the box), I normally go for about 2400 width which seems to give you slightly less than the max allowed size. You then type your thread and then hit the "Manage Attachments" button below, a box pops up and you can browse for your pic file, add it and then hit upload. Providing your file size is under the required max then it should upload ok and you will have a thumbnail on your thread that when clicked will open up into a full size pick of your beloved beast.
Have fun....Dave;)
Easier, stick your pictures on 'Photobucket' or some similar site & post the URL using this
icon in the reply panel below.

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