
Well-Known Member
Recently installed both gearbox and transfer case. After I noticed a difference in shifting. Not as nice and gear selection more difficult. Is this normal? and is that what the adjustment bolts on the sifter box is for? I also had a rhythmic thumping in front end. Examined CV joint. It seemed fine but there was lateral play along the shaft. Added another shim and the noise seemed to go away. The CV joint looked OK and was replaced not long ago. Maybe 2000km. But what I noticed was that it kind of locked up if it was too far out from the differential. Is that Normal?
again, this subforum is for posting blogs/diaries works in progress about vehicles. if you need help then its best to ask in the series/defender/discovery subforums
Add on too. Found rear wheel bearings destroyed. The screeching I thought was a stone in the brakes was the rear wheel bearings. found out when tested wheel for play.

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