
New Member
Happy New Year all!

To celebrate the New Year, my 110 has decided to deny me any wiper action on the drivers side - nicely to fit in with any rain and storms.

The passenger wiper works fine, so i'm assuming the motor / cable are fine.

The drivers wiper makes a nasty cog grinding noise, and wiper just sort of twitches. If i take the wiper off, the grooved nut moves as expected, and if i try to hold on and stop that turning, i can't. If i leave the wiper in the 'off window' position, it still turns ok - so it's just the extra drag of it on the windscreen that pushes it over the edge.

i'm assuming then that it's a wheelbox issue, and it's slipping drive from the cable? Can i tighten that up, or is it a new wheelbox?

Also, having looked at Buster's awesome 'how to' on wipers (thank you Buster!), and knowing that my major talent is to break 10 things for every 1 i try to fix - is this going to be a dash out job? :confused:

I'd appreciate some advice and perhaps confirmation of my diagnosis!

Cheers guys!

Have you checked the splines on the inside of the wiper arm? It might just be that they're worn and the wheelbox is turning fine but to no avail. Oh and if it is that don't buy ****part wiper arms, they don't fit very well
Thanks for the reply!

Yes, I did check that - they seem ok, and I can see that the splined bit doesn't turn either (with the wiper arm on) - the grub screw opening doesn't rotate (but is rusted solid:rolleyes:). Unless the splined bit is slipping on the drive shaft of course....

It could be that the actuating wheel on the wiper is worn.

Remove the flexible drive from the motor and try turning the spline 180 degrees then reassemble everything.

Remember to mark the original orientation of the arm immediately before it comes off, otherwise you will probably find that you have put it all back where it was originally! :(

Sounds as though you will have to drill out the grub screw though. I replaced mine with a self-tapper!

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