
New Member
Despite comprehensively losing the argument, the Government has won round one.

Yesterday, under cover of yet another meaningless 'concession', it managed to pass the Identity Cards Bill. If the Home Office has its way, you will be forced to register on its Big Brother database when you renew your passport or any other official document that the Government chooses to 'designate' (your driving licence, a police CRB check certificate, a student loan form...).

You may hear that you can 'opt out' of having the card until 2010 - the Government will charge you a penalty for doing this, and put all your details on the Register anyway.

Should New Labour win the next election, Charles Clarke says the ID scheme will be compulsory for everyone. Official control of your personal information with enforced charges. An Identity Tax wrapped up in a License to Live.

Expect more spin, lies, and broken promises. £30 to register? Think again - Clarke says he is going to have to 'reconsider' his figures. Oh and you will have to be eye scanned have your finger prints taken and explain your entire life history to the interrogators...!!!!!

Its not to late go along to and see what you can do, this Government are supposed to serve us, all I see is a bunch of serfs (us) being told what to do and not telling what we want done.....:mad:
personally i think id cards are a good idea but if i wanted to get into a political debate i would join a political forum ;)
well I for one, think the idea sucks. I don't think they will stop crime. criminal tech moves just as fast as the goverments. why not just barcode us all with tattoos?
never mind the larbour party, the tory party,the green party or even the comb by ere boy welsh party. we should all vote for the "lets get ****ed and fall down party"
slob said:
never mind the larbour party, the tory party,the green party or even the comb by ere boy welsh party. we should all vote for the "lets get ****ed and fall down party"

now that has my vote
Who d'you think Yella? one who started the political rant.

Now if your standing for the presidency You've got my vote and if you and helpie dont drink I'll take on that department.
that would be great ..yer first job as 'el presidente' could be to ban all 4x4

Right then as the official secretary to the drinking department. I put it through the chair the we the (Wot's the parties name) whatever party, decree that we legalize hunting. All those in favour please indicate your vote.

It is the hunting of Gaylanders that were legalizing isn't it?
never mind the larbour party, the tory party,the green party or even the comb by ere boy welsh party. we should all vote for the "lets get ****ed and fall down party"
Hey I thought they already did that...?? Sad thing is we, pay them to....

They are all the same, just different sides of the same coin....


£44 for an MOT if you fail you have to pay for a retest (if the work is not done in the testing garage, or you dont get the vehicle back by the next afternoon)

If its off the road declare it, or get a fine, watch for speed cameras and road tax cameras, no lee way, even for legitimate cases, or get a fine. Pay tax to use the road and pay tax on your fuel for the same thing, make sure you wear your seat belt....or get a fine... dont give the cameras the finger or get a fine.

Enjoy the ID card, dont forget to let them know you've moved, changed phone number, or remembered some obscure detail, or get fined, if they make a mistake and you dont notice it, get fined....

Value Added Tax = Contradiction in terms, the more value you get the more tax you pay..??? ffs.....

Local authorities will have to find millions to incoroporate the ID card scheme, guess where that will come from, council tax rates, charges etc etc every council item will have to integrate with it, think about it: librarys, lesiure centres, social serivces, Enviroment departments, education, etc etc...

Billions of pounds of your money will be used to line the pockets of money grabbing businesses, instead of investing in the NHS (which is being sold out to private helth care more and more) Education, (why so many teenage pregnacies, violence, drug abuse) what could the billions do for these areas..??

I bet you can all think of loads more...!!!

Dont you all think this is getting a little wrong..??

This will please the zealots -

I'm almost middle aged, married, two kids, steady income, stopped breaking the law years ago - so I don't really care.

When you pay by credit/debit card your location is known, carrying a mobile phone allows your position to be traced, there are closed circuit tv systems in most major towns and cities, there are traffic cameras on most roads - still I don't care.

Your activity on the internet can be tracked as to what sites you visit, what you download, and what you post - guess what I don't care.

I still don't care,

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