
New Member
I am appealing for any help or information in locating a stolen Land Rover belonging to a small charity based in South Yorkshire and Derbyshire. Without our trusted Land Rover we, as a charity, cannot operate and several deserving groups will not be able to use our facilities.

The charity:
Crookstone Adventure Trust is a small charitable organisation that provides accommodation in the heart of the Peak District for deserving groups from all over the UK and the world. The accommodation, a 400 year old grade two listed barn, is set in isolation on the shoulder of Kinder Scout between Hope and Edale. As a trust, we maintain and service the accommodation, and provide a transport service for the groups upon entry and exit to the facilities. As the barn is so isolated, the only access is via a 3 mile ‘track’ from Hope. I use the word track loosely as the terrain is very uneven and exposed hence the requirement for a solid and sturdy vehicle

The Land Rover:
To enable us to provide this service to the groups, we invested in a 1986 Land Rover Defender 110. This vehicle has been a solid workhorse for several years and without it we cannot function. It not only provides a service as a work vehicle, but as a means for transporting all the equipment, food and luggage for any groups that are residing in the barn.
The Land Rover was stolen from a trustee’s drive, in Rotherham, South Yorkshire on the evening of Sunday 6th March. The vehicle was last seen on the driveway at midnight on the Sunday and reported as missing at 7:45am on Monday 7th March. To make matters worse, a local contractor had very kindly been providing his services, free of charge, to the barn all day on Sunday, and his own equipment, which was used to complete the work, was also in the Land Rover when it was stolen. As a small business owner, this has obviously had an impact on his livelihood.

Land Rover Details:
· Registration Number – C 894 RFE
· Model – Land Rover Defender 110
· Chassis / VIN – SALLDHAC7HA901563
· Colour – NATO Green
· It also has the website for the charity – – written on both sides of the vehicle
· Yellow signs with the charity logo were also applied on both doors (as per the photographs)
· I believe there are features, military lights, side storage units, etc that may help to distinguish it from other vehicles

As a trust, we would greatly appreciate any information as to the whereabouts of this vehicle. As mentioned previously, without it we cannot provide a full service to the deserving groups and therefore will not be in a position to open the barn in April as planned.
If anyone has any information, please contact me via this forum.

Many thanks for taking the time to read this.
With regards
Crookstone Adventure Trust Registered Charity Number - 701384
Sorry to hear of the loss of the charity's vehicle.

What additional security did it have fitted?
Unfortunately it didn't have any additional security fitted. The frustrating thing is that 99% of the time it was parked on another trustees drive behind two other vehicles. However, on this one occasion it was overnight at the house it was stolen from but not 'blocked in'.
I also live in Rotherham, I will keep an eye out for it.
Just out of interest, which area of Rotherham was it?

Im at the Wickersley end of the town.
It was stolen from Broom (near the Homestead pub). Any info would be greatly appreciated. There was a full page spread in the Advertiser this week with a photo.

Also if anyone hears of a similar spec vehicle for sale please let me know. We need to find a replacement very soon as the centre opens at the end of April.

Thanks again
It was stolen from Broom (near the Homestead pub). Any info would be greatly appreciated. There was a full page spread in the Advertiser this week with a photo.

Also if anyone hears of a similar spec vehicle for sale please let me know. We need to find a replacement very soon as the centre opens at the end of April.

Thanks again

Post it on the landywatch site.. linky is down there on me siggy :nospamhere::D

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