
I have only been a landy owner for 6 months now and wish I'd got into this years ago. As a newbie landy owner the most disturbing thing to read on this forum is about STOLEN Land Rovers! How you folk feel who have owned dozens over the decades and have Solihull grease permenantly under your fingernails I can only imagine!!

I have read lots of posts now with peeps who had NO SECURITY at all!

My appeal to ALL is to get you to get some security. Get an alarm, get an imobiliser, get a disklock, get a clutch claw get a cheap ebay tracker......get as many things as you can to put the thief off! Get ANYTHING. Don't just have one! Most cars nowadays are nicked through burglay of the keys so think where you put the keys at night and don't leave them on a hook downstairs or in the back of the front door or on a side clearly visible!

It's a faf to put the stuff on when you get in and out of the landy but better that than no landy at all.

So....just think how you could nick your own landy and do what you can to slow the thief down! Visible security will put them off.
I'm sure someone will come back at me with.."If they really want it then they will take it." Answer......DONT HELP THEM NICK IT by having nothing!

Happy Landerovering...loving it since jan 13.
Do a bit of research... you're preaching to the converted. Nearly everyone posting in the stolen Landy section are new members, not regular members of the forum. Regular members understand the risks and secure their vehicles accordingly.

Yes... it is a risk, but, you mitigate against it as best as possible and then, if it goes, well it goes,

The simple things are very easy, disklok, park on full lock against a wall / curb, etc. isolate battery. Then it's down to personal choice and depending where you live / where you keep your landy how much further you go. I personally have added CCTV around my house as it was a requirement of the business insurance, which means all our cars are covered by it - not going to stop someone nicking it, but, an extra deterrant and may result in good evidence if anyone does nick it.
Do a bit of research... you're preaching to the converted. Nearly everyone posting in the stolen Landy section are new members, not regular members of the forum. Regular members understand the risks and secure their vehicles accordingly.

Yes... it is a risk, but, you mitigate against it as best as possible and then, if it goes, well it goes,

The simple things are very easy, disklok, park on full lock against a wall / curb, etc. isolate battery. Then it's down to personal choice and depending where you live / where you keep your landy how much further you go. I personally have added CCTV around my house as it was a requirement of the business insurance, which means all our cars are covered by it - not going to stop someone nicking it, but, an extra deterrant and may result in good evidence if anyone does nick it.

You still have old sweats that have no security and I quote....

FAO Gloucestershire Members
I got pulled over by Plod yesterday morning (Saturday).

By a rather polite plod, who said he was just stopping me for a Chat? He then asked what sort of security I had. He was quite shocked when I said "None, and the locks are fubared".
End quote.

I've read the threads and posts on what security to get and this is great and helpful but people just need to get something.....anything.
Well done on being the 'someone person' who says, "if it goes, well it goes." Just don't help it to go. It WILL stop someone nicking it.

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You still have old sweats that have no security and I quote....

FAO Gloucestershire Members
I got pulled over by Plod yesterday morning (Saturday).

By a rather polite plod, who said he was just stopping me for a Chat? He then asked what sort of security I had. He was quite shocked when I said "None, and the locks are fubared".
End quote.

I've read the threads and posts on what security to get and this is great and helpful but people just need to get something.....anything.
Well done on being the 'someone person' who says, "if it goes, well it goes." Just don't help it to go. It WILL stop someone nicking it.


Yeah but what you don't know is the member who you quoted has a Landy that the last time someone tried to nick it the theives ended up tidying up some wiring and welded a couple of patches on the chassis before giving up :p
Yeah but what you don't know is the member who you quoted has a Landy that the last time someone tried to nick it the theives ended up tidying up some wiring and welded a couple of patches on the chassis before giving up :p

Must admit on more than one occasion i've walked away from mine, doors unlocked, no security thinking - well if a thieve can get it going, frankly, they deserve it! (normally when fundamental parts are missing like axles / engines, etc.

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