
Active Member
This has been parked up in the communal parking bit at the back of where I live for about 3 weeks's never been there before, and it hasn't moved (I work days and nights and it hasn't moved) Usually I wouldn't jump to this conclusion but given how easy they are to nick, thought I'd double check...

Have you thought about asking the local coppers? or maybe even a local airport?
Thats me job for the morning....two airports local ish...I'll keep you posted.

I did think that an M-reg one probably wouldn't be in active service in an airport but it is a landy!
Airports will use them for ever as they'll do bugger all miles and be maintained fastidiously.

Have you asked the neighbours?
Could be for use in a terrorist plot. Could give access to places other vehicles were not allowed.
This has been parked up in the communal parking bit at the back of where I live for about 3 weeks's never been there before, and it hasn't moved (I work days and nights and it hasn't moved) Usually I wouldn't jump to this conclusion but given how easy they are to nick, thought I'd double check...

I'll come and move it if it's in your way... looks quite nice!
Sein as tho your on the lookout fer lost things.......

Iv lost my stapler, n it's doin me nut in, I think it was robbed from my hotel room :(
It's my new toy I bought it from ebay As Iliked the lights. Fooker broke down on the way home, So I dumped it. If ya want it it's your's Just take the lights off it will ya? and post em to me.. :D
Sein as tho your on the lookout fer lost things.......

Iv lost my stapler, n it's doin me nut in, I think it was robbed from my hotel room :(

i got your strop and shackle but didn't see your stapler :D
I'll swap you Toby's kettle for his strop coz I've got Patricks strop but then I've also got your fleece . I've got Toby's socks too , but not to worry coz Patrick still has my cubby but I still don't have his stapler :confused:

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