
Active Member
Found a landy I want to buy, good price, condition and mileage. Came up as clear when I used the textcheck thing; not stolen or whatever.

BUT (apparently)

The guy bought the vehicle off someone he knows, the part of the v5 the seller sends off was missing, he has the new keeper slip which he's filled in for himself but never got a v5 for himself (apparently, he's not had it long).

He says with a V62, I can get the vehicle registered to myself but it all sounds a bit fishy to me. What do you reckon?
walk away

he should of had the V5 as it comes from the person that sold it to him.

but in saying that DVLA ar very good at losing mail

if you realy want it get the vin number engine number and do a proper hpi check.
walk away

he should of had the V5 as it comes from the person that sold it to him.

but in saying that DVLA ar very good at losing mail

if you realy want it get the vin number engine number and do a proper hpi check.

you sure.

IFAIK, all the new keeper gets is the "new keeper supplement" slip, the bit to send off the the DVLA is on the rest of the V5, which is the SELLERS responsibility to send off.

It may be that the previous seller did not send off the v5 as he should.
Id get a proper HPI done, you can get the v5 straight to you, it would have one less previous owner on it if this is the case.

how long has he had it, my V5 came in about 3 weeks.
i bought a disco and the garage went bust about 30 minutes after i left and never sent hte v5 off - dvla issued a new one for a small fee, no problems.
Apparently, the guy who sold it to him damaged the seller's part so the new keeper's bit is all either person had. He's only had it a few weeks, again I've only got his word on that. I can have vin no checked as part of what I've already done.

To be honest though, I think "walk away" is probably the safest option, sadly
you could put down a refundable deposit on it, then apply for a V5 for it?
Apparently, the guy who sold it to him damaged the seller's part so the new keeper's bit is all either person had. He's only had it a few weeks, again I've only got his word on that. I can have vin no checked as part of what I've already done.

To be honest though, I think "walk away" is probably the safest option, sadly

Tell him to call you back when the V5 arrives and you'll be happy to part with yer cash. Still get a full hpi check done before handing yer wonga over though.
to be fair, there could be nothing wrong with it,

ive bought many a vehicle with just the new keepers supplement and its not a problem. Ive even bought vehicles without any form of v5.

if you have the new keepers supplement you just fill in a v62 form with the details and send it off (no charge)

if you dont have the v52c (the small new keepers bit) then you fill out all the vehicle details and the dvla write to the previous owner... or rather the current owner that the vehicle is registered too. They then have 2 weeks to respond to confirm you have purchased the vehicle, if not they can be fined i think its about £60 or something. So its in the sellers interest to respond!

He could have had it as a part ex on something he has sold etc.. maybe a low key trader working from home etc.

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