
New Member
Hi guys!

I'm bored! Fancy taking my defender down an easy lane for a spot of fun.

Can anyone point me in the right direction......?
yu said yu wanted "a nice easy lane" - ffs wasnt that easy enuf for ya? yu will be saying yu gorra Gaylander next :rolleyes:.
Hahaha!!! My landrover is far from gay!! She's a beaut!! Lol. And when I said easy i ment somewhere I can on my own. Seriously, any ideas? I was driving through wentworth today, there MUST be something round there.....

Ok let rephrase the question. Does mad hat (my favourite LZ person) no of any green lanes at all around the quaint little town of Barnsley!?! Lol
HAHA! ur a bastard! Apart from when ur talking Bout engines.... Lol. What engine are u running in that gt40??

Come on mad hat!!! Do u know how many fields i nearly drove through today???? Help me not **** off a farmer :-D
yu cant please some peeps :mad:
i find yu an easy lane
then i find yu a green lane
and then the Public ROW officer - wot more do yu want?

oh yes - 5 Litre 302 - wot else?
Oh yes, I missed the second link. Thanks mate! :)

Standard engine? What does that put out? Looks a beaut in the pic.

And...... What sort of cable do u sell??
Standard - not quite
Alan Roots J302 heads
260 grind cam.
About 300BHP & 290ftlbs.

Cables - mainly specials - if yu need out, PM me.
Ok, so do i just email asking where there are some green lanes i can drive on?

Or would it be alot quicker and easier to pay the GLASS membership?

Wow, all of this just to go for a nice drive in the country. Mind you, i suppose if it was too easy far to many uncontentious people would be making a mess of it..........
get yoself a couple of OS 1:25000 landranger maps. mark up the ++++ and the go to the ROW place and check if they are open or closed. if they is open then yu can drive them - but never on yo own.
So my 1:50k is no good? ++++ is a type of making on the map? 'the ROW place' is "The Definitive Map is available to view at Barnsley Connects, The Civic, Eldon Street, Barnsley between the hours of 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday"

Correcto? Am i getting warm?

And say for instance i was really really impatient could you not just tell me the location of one, to get me through the weekend....? haha.

P.S. are u near barnsley? just wondered with the 'old mill lane' quote....

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