
New Member
Anyone with a "proper" Landy going?

I know it's not muddy, (particularly) hilly or very far for that matter, but it should be fun.

If anyone is going & has a CB, let me know your handle/name & I'll keep an ear out.

If anyone is going, is camping & fancies meeting up with my long suffering girl & I for a beerette at Crystal Palace........well, need I say more, beer is ALWAYS a good idea. ;)
it would be could. unfortunately i cant make it. sounds like your enjoying your new hobby. my landy coming along nicely. just trying to get new seats and smarten it up a little inside. good luck. a beer in the future sounds good.
Shame you can't make it chap.

Yep, I'm loving it. Spent the weekend getting down & greasy under "Nelly". Checking & topping up the oil in the boxes (HOW many!) & starting a coat of Waxoyl. Was really impressed with how sound she is underneath.

Out trying the Aztec Autohaven Plus 4X4 tent next weekend. It arrived today & I've persuaded my long suffering G/F (who's only ever camped 1 night in her life & hated it) that it's a really good idea. Of course to try it out we just happen to be going to a site about an hour away that just happens to have a lake full of Pike within it's boundaries!

Glad your beast is coming along. If it's of interest re:seats. Nelly has Astra GTE seats fitted. They are WAY comfortable & bolted on straight through their runners they seem to be just the right height & angle. Could be a steal through a breakers & they're pretty common.

Re: Beer & stuff - I've started looking at the local(ish) Landranger maps. There's parts of the South Downs Way that look V.interesting as a starting point for some greenish fun. If you fancy giving them a shufty one w/end, I'm game.

when is the run? as im a brighton boy with my ex mod 109 so i could do the run arse upwards as it were,also where is the starting point!
Hi all,

I am thinking about doing it for a laugh.

My 90 is currently of the road (for the past 4 weeks). Major chassis repair.

Hoping to be back up and running soon though. Let you know if I am going.

Hey Marcus,

Well after a bloody hard working weekend. I am still off the road. Little bit more welding, here and there and will be ready to play again before the weeks out.

just sent off entry form thingy and managed to convince a friend from cornwall to come too as it is her birthday!!!!
she has just got rid of her 90 2.5td and bought a proper landie,:D a little series 3 swb look out for the bright yellow swb with beige canvas and a cammo 109!!!
Cornwall? Good one. I'll keep an eye open for yous. I'd suggest you might be fairly easy to spot even amongst 350 + Landies (my entry was 346 & that was a good few weeks ago). Are you camping up there & (linked) do you like the taste of beer?

Got a CB? Doubt it mind, no-one seems to use them anymore. Have to confess, I hadn't used one since they were illegal (I was VERY young!). Since my III came with one I've dabbled. All I seem to get is Granny Grunts discussing knitting patterns......yes, really!

I've attached a wee pick of Nelly so's you can spot us. I'll be the guy with the shiny shaven head & a girlfriend who looks like she REALLY enjoys camping (she's coming around to the idea....slowly!)

Be good to meet up with people from hereabouts, especially another Brighton bloke.

Hey, Imageandmoore, how's that welding going?



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When is this? I might be tempted to bring along my matt black mobile money pit (S3 109).... if I can convince the missus its a good idea!!
ooh your landy is pretty,the answer to the questions is yes and very yes,strange but i will also be sporting the shaved head look(is this de rigeur for series 3 owners).hope to get up to crystal palace abouy 6ish sat night,will look out for you marcus,also have a few sneaky shortcuts,cos the a23 has been gridlocked every sunday this summer tailbacks sometimes going back to haywards heath,personally i dont fancy sitting in traffic for up to 4 hrs crawling the last 10 miles into brighton!!!!!,plus side is some lovely little country lanes to bomb aronund in(much more fun!!!!!
take it easy man,off to fit my lovely shiny radiator!!!!
Always go into Brighton 23 - 27 & in through the 'scoombe, never bother with the London Road of a weekend, but if the tailbacks go that far back I could do with some pointers. Ahhh, I think I know the way you mean. Can confirm it the Saturday night.

Top one.

Sheddy, follow this link for details:

Should be a laugh.

Thanks for the link ... I might just join you! If I do, I'll have me eldest with me (he's 4 1/2) so the late night merryment my have to be missed. It'll be his first night away from mummy and his first time under canvas so it could be interesting!
G'wan Shedster, we can join you for bacon butties on the Sunday morning before the run.

Man, if I was 4 1/2 again & my ol' man took me camping in a field full of Landies (& let me stay up "a bit" late) then on a convoy to the coast in one (wearing my XXS T-shirt) I would DEFINITELY treat him like a God when he became an old, incontinent embarassment...........see it as an investment! ;)

Bet he'd have a blast!

Marcus. :D
I've bought a CB now as well .... getting silly this is!

should have it fitted Sat morning.

1-4 for a copy ..... pick a window!
Ha ha. At least people don't seem to do that "10-1" nonsense anymore. Back in the olden days it was hilarious listening to people with broad regional accents trying to sound like americans!

My "handle" (& that's about as far as the olden talk goes!) is Jack Pike. Give me a shout when you're up there (if it's working - Have you got or got access to a SWR meter?)

"See you and your rugrat on the flip side good buddy. Keep your shiny side up and your greasy side down, we down, we gone" Bloody ridiculous!:eek:

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