
New Member
looking for a group or a few others that would be interested in doing some lanes as its not the best idea going on your own. even if its a few lanes around here or going somewhere for the weekend
Hi Josh,

I am in North Oxfordshire, so not far away.

Have you looked at coming to LZ13?

LZ13 , is a good giggle a day or two of greenlaning a few beers and not for from you.

Plus there are a few people on here who are very active in Greenlaning who are organising it, Who are based in the locality.

Have you joined GLASS?

whats the terrain like up there? yeah sounds good. want to start getting out again.
where do they organise it and how often?
no not yet, is it good?
Hi Josh,

Not at the moment, May be worth looking on FB , you may find a local greenlane group of some sort. There are a few I have come across on there.


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