
Well-Known Member
Conscious that we shouldn't really be doing this on our own, would anyone like to join Jayne and I for a little gentle green-laning in mid-Wales some time next week? We are relative newbies and only have a standard Discovery 2 so aren't looking at anything too challenging at this stage. We are staying near Cynghordy, a few miles north of Llandovery.
Would do but my car's broked :rolleyes:
Hopefully this will be our first trip when ours is fully functional (water ingress excluded, obviously). Perhaps when we go back to Wales in May you will be back in action. Mind you, there are some good lanes up your way I believe.
Now that the Disco is (once again) fixed and on the road we are booked to go to Wales from 19th August for a couple of weeks. If anyone fancies joining us for some gentle green-laning one day then please let me know.

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