Yeah I'd be up for that and I bet Carl-V8 would too. When you thinking? There's a few others who may be interested as not that far away:

- SaintV8
- Classicdriver
- HorseApple
- zen
- fett, kooky guy & dkl1971 might even make the trek up from Hampshire/Wiltshire respectively, who knows!
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Where is hp postcode ? is that near hemelhemstead area ?Ignore me just found link Doh trying to do two things at once here
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hey, me too please!

Depending on timing - I'm a little all over the place for the next couple of weeks, but it would be good to meet people and maybe thank people for their help in person.
Def click on the google link i put up, it will give you a map

I was just thinking when the weather changes and the sun comes out and its a bit warmer (it will do that honest!!) on a weekend sometime is best, i would like a Saturday then it will give us more time in the pub??? on a Sunday we all have work on the Monday, and it wouldn't be conducive to stay late then? but its all flexible
Looked up location now just off m25 on m40 I'm up for it if some one turns up with a dse auto willing to escort me for a mile so I can hear there gearbox changes ,caus mine changes well but just before each change when as it peaks it sounds like plates inside are about to explode so I need to compair with a willing owner please any offers?
well there's an idea if someone turns up with a faultmate or something, then anyone with problems can plug in to it,
OK leave this for a week or so, and see how many are interested, and then we can sort out dates, if there's real interest and there's LOTS of us we can do a BBQ and have it on my allotment and we all bring beers, and theres a big car park.... but no bog..... but there's a wood with no bears ......
I don't mind having a BBQ round my place sometime over the summer, but will meet you all at Flackwell Heath first, just in case you turn out to be a bunch of d1cks..! ;)

Let us know when we're meeting at the pub, then! May as well put a date in the diary now even for a few weeks time - may I suggest 10th or 17th March?
Yea I'm up for that, a few of us seems to be interested you think about 5 or 6ish earlier or later start???
How about a Sunday lunch...or Saturday lunch for that matter! So 2ish for a couple of hours in the afternoon? Providing it is sunny, of course!
Looked up location now just off m25 on m40 I'm up for it if some one turns up with a dse auto willing to escort me for a mile so I can hear there gearbox changes ,caus mine changes well but just before each change when as it peaks it sounds like plates inside are about to explode so I need to compair with a willing owner please any offers?

As another auto diesel driver I'd come along for that.
Ever since I've owned the Rangie I've wondered 'is that how it's supposed to be?' about loads of things.
later suits me - I'm cycling in Majorca all next week and a funeral :)() the week after. A meet would be a nice end to an unpleasant period.

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