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Sankey trailer need it brought nearer to me. Will pay;)
Located near Birmingham

Shot in the dark but one must try :D
I live a bit East of Birmingham, and if you need to remove the trailer, I can store it for a while.

That's very kind of you :) The seller wants it moved quite quickly, im waiting on quotes from shipping company's
il see how that goes, small fortune il bet. I lent my nato hitch to someone & they never brought it back I wasn't too
bothered at the time tbh but now I need one & im kicking myself :rolleyes:

Cheers Kev ;)
If it smaller than an 80” series 1 & you can wait till December I’m going to JOG & driving past Birmingham ;)

Shipping wise
If you can get the trailer stood/strapped on a pallet take measurement. Will be cheaper than on wheels.
There are a few back load companies
Touting for work (like eBay)
If it smaller than an 80” series 1 & you can wait till December I’m going to JOG & driving past Birmingham ;)

Shipping wise
If you can get the trailer stood/strapped on a pallet take measurement. Will be cheaper than on wheels.
There are a few back load companies
Touting for work (like eBay)

Im not sure on the measurements, il go & ask for them we sent a road compressor trailer on a pallet last
year id forgotten about that, Id need to pay for storage until Santa comes lol il see how things pan out.

Cheers Buddy :D;)
If the wait works for you, I can store it round the back of my place til December, no charge for storage.
I am 10 mins from M1/M6/A14 junction.
If the wait works for you, I can store it round the back of my place til December, no charge for storage.
I am 10 mins from M1/M6/A14 junction.

That's awesome pal thanks very much, I wouldn't expect you to store it for free though ;)
I have had a quote for delivery which seams very reasonable im waiting on the
seller getting back to me ;)

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