
Active Member
Hey all, is anyone planing any laning around derbyshire on the easter bank hols? Just wandering if i can tag along, got some lanes mapped out already myself but as always the golden rule is not to go alone :p just a thought, ill be doing a few that i know i can manage on my own, but is always more fun when there`s others:bounce:.
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hi think were going out over easter wkend not sure when your welcome to come along if you want, got quite alot of lanes mapped out aswell send us your number by pm and will ring you.
Sunday looks to be the wetter day. More fun and less ramblers. Meet at FoxHouse as usual? Time to suit........
Looks like I might be getting a free pass at the weekend - Sal says she will stay in and work. Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not heard from any of the usuals. Maybe they might check in tomorrow eve.
haha sounds like a plan then!! ill spread the word on my facebook, iv got a few on there and that would be good if you could txt them cheers dave

will keep an eye on here aswell for updates on numbers and meeting times
I've texted seven, pointing them to this thread.
Does Deanwilko or Pocketrocket want to lead as youo two have volunteered routes?
Not a problem if you don't....
Is it Fox House the meet or are the majority from Buxton side?
Questions, questions.....
I'll be on the thread again early evening, speak then.
I've had a reply from one who doesn't want Stanage Edge as he is bringing his young lad.
How about two groups? One for Stanage and one missing it. I don't mind missing it with him - I do it regularly enough.
hi dont no wether il be in for this one ..fox house is a good distance from stoke unless you meeting buxton side. il let you all know.
Hi guys, Newish to the fourum, Would like to tag along on sunday if you dont mind? maybe able to get another truck or two to come as well?
Or are numbers limited?

Cheers :D
Don't want to speak out of turn here as I didn't start the thread, but.....
Most people will want Stanage Edge but as I said earlier some of us are missing Stanage this time. It looks as if you will have a choice of which group to tag onto....
WOW! this thread has taken off! last time i looked there was only 1 reply :p davidsally if you dont mind leading then that would be fine by me (wink wink) as the route ive got maped out is a mixture of sams route that we did in the snow and some of my own that i know of, ive not had chance to drive them all in 1 go so id rather not take a whole bunch of people down em and get stuck,
didnt think it would get so much interest at such short notice!! hehe:)
ill do stanage though for those that want to ;)
forgot to put in, so what time/place is good for everyone to meet? im personaly easy wherever (on meeting places that is!) fox house is closer but buxton is further out so chance to do some lanes that i hav`nt done before :crazy_driver:(for me anyways) whats your thoughts folks?

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