rebuildin my ole eap :(

ere nobber -= change ya Avatar mate - yu aint the first with that one. - the last peep got slaughtered.
not this weekend...planning on sanding down my truck in a minute or two (once i shake this hangover).
ha, indeed it will, in fact i didnt get round to it today as the weather turned proper ****e by lunch time down here.


truck truck truck truck truck

dont get all nitty gritty with the aint a aint a isnt even a 'feckin' lorry :)

thats like me saying it isnt is FERKIN

anyhoo stop picking on a noob:)
Nope i aint named after him either... Daniel Defoe is the only Defoe that counts as far as i am concerned.

and slob, your give a ****-o-meter is very apt right now.

kind regards all

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