
Well-Known Member
on Greenlane and assistance group asking for someone to go pull a lady out a ditch

I believe the original post is in a Pareto and shogun page
^^^^^^^^^^ agreed. have invited both to Zello, particularly as Jai is on the LZIR group.

cant seem to text the group tho - only individuals.
No more details only heated them
Talking and the guys in Leicester were 3.5 hrs away and Essex lads were way way further. Wasn't sure if anyone was out in the snow going past. No point putting out a call without details but if someone or a group
Is passing worth a look out
No more details only heated them
Talking and the guys in Leicester were 3.5 hrs away and Essex lads were way way further. Wasn't sure if anyone was out in the snow going past. No point putting out a call without details but if someone or a group
Is passing worth a look out

Fair enough, happy for you to offer our services if you get any contact
Screerun ere, had a look on Google maps and that lane is over towards Penrith, don't know that area. Its on maps as old coach road. Well over an hour from where I live. Not keen unless its a real emergency particularly given the weather.
No don't go out if I get any more info I'll pass on. I'm
Hearing 3rd hand if anyone is a member of shogun and pajero owners they may get the info as I'm unable to get updates
I think it's silly season when it comes to getting stuck and asking for help on lanes lately

FB seems to be full of it every day for the last week or so has been a post asking for help
Keswick is a lot closer. Had a look at the FB picture, I don't have a winch which is what it seems to need and wouldn't want to get myself stuck particularly since I would be on my own, in the dark, in poor conditions, in unknown terrain. This one I think is best left for the emergency services with all the correct backup.
from DuncanS

Hey mate. Not worth looking at in the dark. Needs two winch vehicles. Mountain rescue extracted some of the occupants but weren't happy winching it in the dark. Couple of guys still up their with their vehicles but it's just daft.

Not been in touch with the people at all but know the guys who went up there earlier.

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