
Well-Known Member
G'Day Folks,

Despite buying the manual / workshop handbook (dagnamit) there's no help (as far as I can see) for removal of the gucci trim between the rear windows and the headliner on my Series 2a...

...this is possibly the only bit of good trim on the whole vehicle so if at all possible I'd like to have the chance of perhaps cleaning it up and seeing if it can be saved.

So I don't really want to use the big screwdriver as a pry bar just yet.

Any tips?

(Google says 3 billion useless irrelevant hits produced in 0.3 nano seconds as usual)
Is it the bit with an arch in it for over the door and rounded corners for up in the roof? Usually covered in a bit of smelly hooped carpet and a line of plastic trim round the edge?
Is it the bit with an arch in it for over the door and rounded corners for up in the roof? Usually covered in a bit of smelly hooped carpet and a line of plastic trim round the edge?
No I don't think that's what was meant to be there.

In this picture =>


(Found on google images)

You can see what looks like cushions on the sides between the side windows and the headliner / upper windows. Mine are a bit like in that picture but the Elephant Grey vinyl goes all the way round the front of the vehicle too (not shown in that picture)

May be I need to make a picture of my own - will do so tomorrow
My Series 3 station wagon has those too, like head rests for rear seat passengers, now held together with clothes pegs...Sadly no obvious sign of how to remove them so I'll have a look tomorrow
My Series 3 station wagon has those too, like head rests for rear seat passengers, now held together with clothes pegs...Sadly no obvious sign of how to remove them so I'll have a look tomorrow
Thank you very much. I'll have another go too.
And I bet it cost a damn sight more than the little ones you see around with orange birds in em.:p
I've got those padded head rests in my series and I've taken them out but I cannot remember how they came out as it was a few months back now. I THINK they were just clipped in place and just lifting them up got them off but I'm not 100% sure. When I next go to my mums I will look at them and see if I remember how they came off.
Ahh found a photo that may help. There look to be screws at each end, mine were missing and so they just fell off. You can see the tab directly above the edge of the door.
...yeah it can't be that hard - I'm just being too careful with it. I'll have a proper go when I get the chance.
Right got this figured out.

You need to start at the front of the vehicle and remove the trip piece above the windscreen. Then the other bits come out with little screws near the door openings.

I got all confused because the metal parts I can see turned out to be the metal backing of the cushions...