Disco Moneypit

New Member
Whilst having a look through the Discovery photo gallery, I came across this photo of a roll cage.

I have already sent a message to the owner requesting more info, but his wasn't a user-name that I reconised, so I'm not sure if he still uses this forum or not?

Anyway, do any of you chaps know anything about it?


In advance, many thanks.
I have seen a similar roll cage on a black one disco 1 in the telford area but never managed to stop the person to ask

prolly not cheap looking at the size of it
Thanks for the recent info concerning this guys.

Unfortuently, the recession coupled with the fact that our goverment has been printing money like it has been going out of fashion, which in turn sends Sterling into a downward spiral, has pretty much finished off my business. Added to this, we are expecting a little bundle of misery in August and things are really tight cash wise at the moment.

In a couple of months once we are properly into summer, I'll have a crack at finishing off the Disco. My inner front wings are rotten, I need to fabricate a bigger battery box, rebuild the tired engine, so whilst I'm at it, I might as well look into knock up an internal rollcage myself.
are you really that desperate that you've stooped to turning a roll cage info request into a party political broadcast

how sad
Thanks for the recent info concerning this guys.

Unfortunately, the recession coupled with the fact that our goverment has been printing money like it has been going out of fashion, which in turn sends Sterling into a downward spiral, has pretty much finished off my business. Added to this, we are expecting a little bundle of misery in August and things are really tight cash wise at the moment.

Crap isn't it, slow/dead down here on decent sized projects. just a few idiots with unrealistic ideas and no money.

place local to our family business loosing £60,000 a week:eek:
60K A WEEK !!!!!!!!!!

Fecking hell.

Yes, during christmas it costs £50k to do nothing, they are buying work in hope that by "being busy" they can attract more clients.

Investors in people and decent people too.

Our family business is slooooooooooooooow, it's a hard decision whether to take risky jobs on,bombed a sports centre out as they are terrible at paying and in administation.

Compared to previous years quite crap really

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