
Hi there,

Anyone any experieance with adjusting the door locks on a series 3? I have the antiburst variety fitted to mine and although the door closes and latches alright, I only lock the door with the key or latch if I ensure the catch is fully closed/down. Adjusting the locking plate out so that the door isnt aligned to enable more play doesnt help either. So I replaced one of the locks with a new one just to make sure it wansnt a broken internal mechanism and this has the same problem. So its obviously a special law unto Landies as it would appear to be a simple mechanism to setup, or am I just being simple???

Had a similar problem on myn,,, replaced the drivers side door mechanism as the original one didn't have a key with it when i bought her. So ordered a britpart one from paddocks and fitted which is very straight forward. The door would slam shut but while going over bumps when driving would pop to the next catch on the striker plate. Fiddled about with plate to no avail, when I looked into it the catch on the mechanism was fouling the striker plate and therefore not fully engaging in it,hence door popping,,,all I did was take a grinder and grind a little bit off the lower edge of the catch so it would fit snugly inside the striker plate -took all of 2 minutes to do.

I find most things britpart are usually slightly over size and need a little persuasion with a grinder to make fit:)

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