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Just published. This lane runs from Monyash to Long Wlks Rake. Contact details in the body of the text

Derby Lane - Consultation under Regulation 4 of the National Park Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England) Regulations 2007

The National Park Authority is seeking views on the possibility of the Authority making some form of traffic regulation order to restrict use of the above route by recreational mechanically propelled vehicles. I enclose a plan of the route.

The Authority has concerns about the impacts that recreational motorised vehicles may have on the special qualities of the National Park designated because of its natural beauty and the opportunities afforded for open-air recreation by the public as a whole. In relation to this particular route, there are issues relating to disturbance and user conflict, the nature and condition of the route and its environmental sensitivity.

A traffic regulation order on this route which either restricts all mechanically propelled vehicles at all or specified times or which imposes limits on width could assist in addressing these issues. The options available to the Authority could include the making of a permanent or partial traffic regulation order, to adopt some other means of management, to hold in abeyance or to do nothing. The consultation responses received will help guide this decision.

Background information which includes the route issues and objectives for this route can be found at www.peakdistrict.gov.uk/priorityroutes. Details of the Authority’s role in relation to recreational motorised use in the National Park and its strategy and procedure for making traffic regulation orders can be found at www.peakdistrict,gov.uk/vehicles.

Please send your organisation’s views in writing or by email to derby.lane@peakdistrict.gov.uk or to Sue Smith at the above address by 23 December 2015 stating:
1) your name and organisation
2) whether you think use of this route by recreational motor vehicles should be, or should not be, restricted in anyway
3) if you believe use should be restricted by a traffic regulation order:
the type of use
the extent in terms of length, width or direction
the duration or period of any restriction
4) if you believe use should not be restricted by a traffic regulation order , any alternative means of management
5) any evidence to support this view

Before any decision is taken whether to proceed with the making of a traffic regulation order or any alternative form of management, the consultation responses will be considered by the Authority’s Audit Review and Performance Committee. In reaching a decision the Authority will also consider the duty imposed by s122 of Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The meeting of the Committee which will consider whether to proceed with a traffic regulation order is scheduled to take place on 4 March 2016. If the Authority does decide to proceed with the making of a traffic regulation order, you will receive formal notification of the proposed Order to be made, and will be given a further period of not less than 21 days to respond with your views, in relation to this specific proposal, before any final decision is taken.

Please also note that we have listed your organisation as a consultee on our vehicles webpage. This is so interested individuals can contact you with any views they may wish you to represent prior to any public consultation.

If you would like any further information or are unable to respond within the timescale specified and would like to agree an extension please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yes I have seen that on some of the bike pages. Not seen anything from GLASS yet though
F*ck sake, will soon shut every single byway/green lane in the country at this rate!! :mad::mad:

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