Wonkey donkey

New Member
Hi all,
Just joined and looking at the forum for some answers, so hope someone can help me here. I have a 2005 Td4 auto and although it has covered 180k it does not look older than a motor at say 50k. It has obviously had a couple of careful owners judging by the service history I have with it. So I have done the following just so I know its been done, replaced crankcase breather, air filter, oil filter and the oil. I have given the ERG valve the elbow and fitted one of them stainless steel jobbies. All the jubilee clips are tight and hoses look and feel in very good condition. I have added some injection cleaner to the fuel tank, Millers I think, but have a problem. The engine starts really well, but after 2/3 mins of tick over, produces white smoke that smells more like paraffin than diesel, anyway its obviously unburnt fuel. The smoke gets progressively worse and does not clear, even if I give the engine a boot full! From tickover at 750rpm, I have steadily increased the revs to 1500 and although every cylinder sounds like it is firing ok, there is a distinctive miss and this is noticeable in the exhaust note. Any suggestions please guys.
This is an update to assist those with similar problems that I have had. Firstly there should be NO leak back from the injectors when the ignition is turned on! Mine had a dribble from number 3 which a local Bosch agent said was acceptable, when it definatley was not. I replaced the offending injector which cured leak back, fuel railed pressurised and engine started ok. But there was still a miss fire and smelly smoke. On stripping the thing down again and really having a good look, I found an additional copper washer in number 2 injection hole? After removing it, replacing injector and firing up without the manifold on...yes the engine runs ok without it for testing purposes, hey presto I have a sweet running Td4 engine again.
Thanks for all the assistance and advise previoulsy sort and given guys.

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