
New Member
Well I have purchased my first landy 1968 series 11a and it’s a big old rebuild. Pulled the bugger 250 miles on a dolly (never again) and the strip down begins. This is a project I hope I will finish; so here is the strip down for a start, taken several photo’s and will put them together as a vid on utube when I get time. The chassis was looking in good condition until I started hitting it with a hammer replaced part of the middle cross member and near all the out riggers but it’s back together and cleaned/ painted red oxide first coat and smooth blue hammerite second coat, (didn’t fancy black) So a few photo’s to start.
Problems withphoto uploads so will try again another day


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Your front bumper looks huge to me?? And in the 6th pick it seems you have some kind of extra crossmember? Also 250miles ? Was there not a rusty landy any closer to home,?????, also I guess the roll cage/bar/ hoop set up is custom? Looks good though mate and I wish you all the best of luck:)
Your front bumper looks huge to me?? And in the 6th pick it seems you have some kind of extra crossmember? Also 250miles ? Was there not a rusty landy any closer to home,?????, also I guess the roll cage/bar/ hoop set up is custom? Looks good though mate and I wish you all the best of luck:)

Extra crossmember? Where? :confused:
i spotted that aswell it looks more like some kind of winch mounting plate to me rather than an extra crossmember i could be wrong though
Ah right.....was looking at pic 7 :doh:.....something to do with the slightly odd double bumper maybe?
The landys I looked at closer to home were just too far gone, and that double bumper along with the extra cross member and roll cage are history, been working on one of the disco axles and just trying the fit for the new bumper, it's coming on but a lot of work.


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One of the bearing in the gearbox wasn't looking too well so gearbox stripwas on the cards, had to put out a thread for help on removing the mainshaft nut but all apart now and glad to say that only one bearing was f**ked the others wern't too bad,no teeth missing either; I've ordered a new set of bearings new seals and gaskets. Will have to try to get it back together soon while the memory lasts. As I took off the selectors a spring took off for a trip across the shed and I'm sure it had a ball bearing with it a quick look and a spung loaded ball was not to be found, first picture of bearing with I think 1 missing, fourth picture showing holes drilled for 200tdi.:hysterically_laughi


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Rolled it out today coming on not quite a rolling chassis yet.:violent:


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the dolly in piccy no.2 is that what you used to do the 250 mile trip is so your very brave as that looks as if you went over 10mph it would topple. but either way keep the piccys coming and nice job so far mate
Short round wrote
the dolly in piccy no.2 is that what you used to do the 250 mile trip is so your very brave as that looks as if you went over 10mph it would topple.
Yeah that was a nitemare.
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Few more pictures, the bulkhead has finally been welded up tried a bit of paint on it but still not sure about colour, got some sound deadening coming this week so will clad it first before it goes on. New timing belt and seals on the 200 tdi also rear seals; don't know the history of the engine can't feel anything loose on the crank don't want to strip it so going to take a chance, the guy I got it from said it was fine but then he would, I had no way of checking. I have dropped the engine into the frame but no photo yet, looks like the fun is about to start, the rad is going to be the first problem but I need to sort out the power steering first.


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Got the sound deadening today, good sh*t this stuff; will stop some of the noise from engine, insulate from hot and cold and cover up all those unwanted holes to keep out the breeze, (great), just punch through the ones I want, need some more but will get some later expensive stuff though but I think worth it.:bump2:


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That does look good stuff - similar to what's on some modern cars from the pics?
My only concern with covering the bulkhead is getting moisture trapped in there behind it - salty water in winter say. I suppose you couls seal around the edges with sealent.
The rear springs look good painted but is this practical? Will they not work better if soaked in oil?

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