
New Member
Hi all,

I hope I'm not repeating anything already covered but I can't seem to find the answer. I have a 2003 L322 TDV6 which has been nothing but a money pit for the last two years' last week the only remaining issues I had were a faulty transbox stepper motor (potentiometer repair didn't work) and inactive EAS.

Prior to repair, I had cleared the fault codes to active the suspension to check for leaks etc, the bags etc came out fine at all levels and had no problem holding each of these overnight. Parts finally arrived last week so I set about repairing the compressor and all went fine. Fault cleared and the system working fine I again went through checking all the bags and valves for leaks at all levels and, for extended periods of time which again worked out fine. However, when it came to the test drive it all went pear-shaped. Initially, all was good and, the softest ride I'd ever had in it but after twenty mins or so the front right dropped down to the bumpstop rapidly, followed closely by the left (which I presume is due to the auto-levelling). I limped it home and plugged back into the diagnostics which gave no error codes and eventually I was able to get the system to normal ride height. I performed a hard reset in a hope that this may solve the issue but sure enough, it happened again.

At the same time as fixing the compressor, I replaced the pads and discs but, when doing so I forgot to clean the front discs off prior to fitting so when on a test drive yesterday and the nose dropped and I pulled over I noticed the front brakes smoking from the protective coating on the discs. I thought initially that maybe the ride height sensor can be affected by high temps/smoke but after cleaning again the suspension has dropped only this time a few minutes into a drive with cold brakes.

As it stands, all bags have been checked for leaks along with valve blocks (they are getting replaced as they are at a guess the originals but, I don't think this is the cause fo the issue), the vehicle will hold all heights for extended periods of time with no issues or sagging and, no error codes are being thrown up. my thoughts at the moment are that the ECU has had a wobble following the compressor repair and the system needs recalibration?

If anyone can shed any light on what might be causing this it would be appreciated and, if it is the case what system can be used to calibrate as the Hawkeye won't do it. Over here in Cyprus (my area at least) the garages/mechanics are either redneck repairs or plain con-men that will charge for a job without actually doing it so, it's down to me to solve the issue.


My first thought would be a leak from one of the front airsprings. Leaks can be intermittant.
My first thought would be a leak from one of the front airsprings. Leaks can be intermittant.
Thanks, I've checked for leaks and all good. When it does go it's a rapid, controlled decompression which, on the last test drive it did then reinflated itself back to normal a few mins later.
i had same problem it only leaked when i turned full lock but couldnt find leak till i put the car on full height then it showed the leak.
Yes. ;)

And for God's sake don't call it a Vogue, even if it is, you must say it has Vogue trim....

I did try and type vouge but, everytime I did it got autocorrected to money pit. Serves me right for letting the Mrs buy a car whilst I was away
I did try and type vouge but, everytime I did it got autocorrected to money pit. Serves me right for letting the Mrs buy a car whilst I was away
I am serious, you have a FFRR 'with' Vogue Trim.

Full Fat Range Rover with Vogue Trim, Vogue is not a model.....memorise this and destroy the evidence.
She's watching you know, the Vogue Police Ma'am.
She's watching you know, the Vogue Police Ma'am.

Just waiting.....:p
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To be clear, I was joking when I said I tried to type vouge, the money pit is anything but that, and it'd make me sound like a pretentious prat describing it as that. My concern is getting the thing serviceable, and I'm pulling my hair out. The bags have been checked for leaks again this morning, all heights, dead centre and opposite locks nothing, holds fine. When I drive however the front is dropping, as soon as I go static, it raises to the correct height again. Any ideas would be appreciated as the nearest garage with the facilities to fully diagnose is a two-hour drive away at the other side of the island.

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