
New Member
Hi folks I am a forum newbie but have been driving and patching up landrovers on and off since the early nineties. I have just bought a series 2A from a friends father and boy have I given myself a winter project .I went to look at it and it looked rough, but i thought it only needed some patching for an mot, then some fun was on the way. How wrong was I.
It has some good points i.e overdrive, power steering conversion,rocky mountain parabolic springs and aluminium door tops, kenlowe fan plus a brand new set of five off road tyres however that's where the good things end.
The engine block is cracked and the gearbox howls with pain in first, second and third gears only quieting down when in fourth gear but worse than that is the chassis after a good probing the back half resembles a colander and a couple of patches are needed on the front.
I was tempted to park it up and maybe start one of my other projects but if it lies about for long it will never go back on the road again so that is how I have turned up here hoping for some help,wisdom and inspiration from other forum members when needed
I look forward to all the advice I may get and hope i can help others now and again

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