cold comfort farm

Active Member
Hi All,
I have just bought a Discovery 300tdi auto on ebay and yes its a pig to start when cold. Its done 200k.
I have a new air and fuel filter, new lift pump. The crap collector at the back has been bypassed some time ago. The glow plugs are new and work (fitted by previous owner) I have used the tractor to jump start it to ensure its not the battery. I have yet to re earth everything and there doesn't look like its an air problem in the fuel.

If this fails has anyone had any success by replacing the starter with a high torque reduction starter i.e spins much faster. or will I just turn the engine over faster.
If so whats the best way to take it off attack it from the top or bottom.

I get lots of smelly smoke when it does start so there is fuel getting through.

Any other thoughts welcome.
Thanks Stephen
Timing could be out slightly when was the belt last changed?
The smelly smoke is un burnt derv and yes its normal pump diesel.

As for the cranking it seems to fire on one cylinder (i think) it trys to start and I still have to hold it on the key until it fires correctly then after a few mins or so running it will start easily until its cold again.

Its a new 4wd to me so I am de gremlin it.

Thanks for the help.
that sounds like air but you say not, have you tried it straight from can to lift pump?

could be cracked pipe somwere?
that done and assuming turns over at resonable speed , next check could be compresion,you didnt say but pres. it started fine on tractor battery , they need good bat.
Using the jump from the tractor (running) it turns over at a similar speed if not the same.
I will check the inline fuel and maybe add a clear plastic part to the return to look for bubbles. I have not compared turnover speed compared to another which will confirm if the starter is semi duff.

I cant think compression will be an issue as it runs really nice when its started and seems to have good power ( for a disco).
I have an EDC Auto that is usually a bastard to start of a morning, until I bothered to get a new battery that is, but if yours is EDC have you tried the method described in the handbook of fully depressing the accelerator pedal on start up as this apparently aids cold starting
I would have the glow plugs out and short each one across the battery to check the tip is getting cherry red in the same time frame-new glow plugs doesn't mean anything,sometimes new ones are duff
You say glow plugs work as new but might be worth checking the glow plug timer relay, might wasn't staying on for very long so was no use. secondhand one from flebay and starts on the button now even with a knackered battery that goes flat if left for more than 2 days.( note to self replace the battery)
I will pull the string of glow plugs out and check each one. I know they are quite new but they can still fail.

Thanks everyone for the advice I will do all of the above then report back.

Has anyone used a geared starter though I am looking at one from wosp
Mine was just the same,changed all filters,glow plugs etc,to no avail,then I tought,hang on,got a spare battery,so put that on,now have 2 batteries and she fires first time,every time.:crazy:
Do a compression test !! If any are low then check valve clearances ! If all ok then may be damaged piston rings or worn bores !! Test should detect head gasket or valve probs !!!
An extra earth strap is good housekeeping.A tired starter will not be any help in firing it up - it could just be that.they do need it all to be in order,and once it is they start well and go well.If it doesnt there is something wrong,very useful and hardworking truck - well worth fixing and far nicer to drive than a manual.The only downside is the fuel connsumption - its not good...

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