
Well-Known Member
So, clutch prob on my recent conversion from slt auto to 300tdi and r380.

300tdi disco engine
R380 disco box
Puma pedal (don't know if its any different)?
New master cylinder
New slave ftc5072
New flexi hose
Clutch and pressure plate looked OK, fork was OK.

Made a 1/4" copper hose from master to flexi. Bled up OK, reverse bled.

Problem is, clutch is dragging, difficulty engaging 1st gear, pedal sits really high and the bite is as soon as you lift from the floor.

Have tried short and long pushrods,

Just feels like it's not pushing the fork over far enough?

It's got a damper fitted, but I don't know if it's supposed to have one?
Is the puma pedal different to a 300tdi?

Sorry, but I don't even know what it's supposed to be fitted with?
People have said the damper can give probs, so I think I'll take it off and see if it makes any odds?
If not I may just chuck a ball bearing in the slave before the rod and see if it throws it out a bit more, might not be the correct way, but at least it would eliminate the need to remove the box again? Would narrow it to the hydralics at fault maybe.
So update,

Turns out it was the puma type pedal!

No idea of the specifics, I'm guessing it must be a different pivot point or length of throw etc,

But anyway, fitted a 300tdi pedal and all good now, (same master cylinder). Pedal sits nice height and no more dragging in first.

Weird eh? Visually they look very similar, except from the adjuster nuts?

Suppose that's the joys of having a bitsa motor:confused:

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