
Well-Known Member
If I was of a mind to fit a bigger 18ltr tank, so could use two air pumps running parallel to fill it quicker

I can get a tank, I already got (for free) a valve block unit & pump complete in the housing from a mate.

I thought it would be a hoot to not only use the bigger tank for inflating tyres, but also for maximus airus hornus japes :p:D

Imagine, someone dawdling, HOOOOOOOOT! :eek::D:D

Some earphone wearing clown who cant see you, HONNNNNNK! :confused::D:D

Anyway, is this feasible or do I have too much spare time on my hands? o_O

If you increase the capacity x2 and add another pump, you will be in the same place as you started.
Too much time on your hands!
Air horns need very little air and can be supplied on demand from a tiny pump and if tyres are flat they're punctured. If they're not totally flat then use a 20 quid halfrauds compressor instead of burning out your expensive Dunlop one.
There is a thread online somewhere where a guy fitted an uprated compressor to help fill the tank more quickly but again, if it's all working properly it isn't necessary unless it's been sat for weeks and lost all air. Even then, 5 minutes should see it at normal height.

Now THAT is what I'm talking about :p

I just don't want to overload the factory fitted pump is all ;)

In Inversmell, the amount of cuuuuuunts who NEED honked at is astounding! Like the female **** who pulled into my path earlier when I was on the the van man FANNY who LOOKED at me doing 50mph and STILL decided to pull out :eek: Lucky I have good brakes and a quick reaction....Like the tube who decided to reverse into the junction I was approaching as if I didn't exist....

I just want payback and I want it LOUD! :mad::D
You guys make me laugh :D

I got a whole EAS valve kit & pump free of charge from a mate who got a 38 as payment for work. It had already been converted to spr.....spr.... those coiled bouncy things that get damped by shock absorbers :p

I was happy to take it for free as I will strip it & if it's worth rebuilding I'll do just that.

Anyway, I was just thinking it would be a hoot (see what I did there? :D ) to get a bigger tank and thought two pumps, half the work so less chance of overheating it ;)

I have all the wherewithal to test it on the car, but that wasn't the question :p
Like the ***t on the Bonny in a C3 who was in front of me, but behind a snail @ 50mph holding us both up, he was weaving erratically, trying to get a swatch of the oncoming, looking in his mirrors at me doing same, he decides to go for it but elects to EXTEND his lane manouvre, heheh, left the both of them coughing in my dust and smoked him with 3/4 of a lane, yes I looked over to him as I flew past, seems his glovebox needed looking at urgently, pmsl.

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