That's a good idea, I hope he finds it. Shame that Ebay will probably end up removing it though. I guess if they do, he could probably make another listing and get around the rules by saying "This auction is for a wheel nut" or something.
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worrying as i only live 20 mins from him,and thats the 6th landy in a month that i heard of being stolen from this area
seems to be more going missing this time of year, i guess with the high demand for them in the winter is the reason. derbyshire/chesterfield seems to be getting hit really hard lately.
worrying as i only live 20 mins from him,and thats the 6th landy in a month that i heard of being stolen from this area

Stick a sticker on it saying "This vehicle is fitted with a GPS tracker device". I am willing to bet that they'd be much less likely to risk it then.

Either that or fit it with an actual GPS tracker device but if you do that, don't bother with the sticker as it may then be counter productive. It might not be cheap as chips but surely the extra peace of mind will make it worth it?
Stick a sticker on it saying "This vehicle is fitted with a GPS tracker device". I am willing to bet that they'd be much less likely to risk it then.

Either that or fit it with an actual GPS tracker device but if you do that, don't bother with the sticker as it may then be counter productive. It might not be cheap as chips but surely the extra peace of mind will make it worth it?
they'll have a job getting mine,its got a disklok on,cat 1 alarm,parked on a gravel driveway (thats a b*****d to turn into) behind a locked gate and dogs next door that bark at slightest noise.
ive allready had one pinched and dont want to go through it again,still worrying though the thought of some lowlife scrote sniffing round your motor or worse haveing a go at it,would love to catch em in the act though,believe me ive got a nice surprise for them:D
huh, that used to be my mates, he sold it about 6 months ago - i've got the old front bumper for it in my shed... that's all though!!!
got the best vehicle security ever me and it covers any vehicle anything parked outside my house yer dont touch it or youll have all the 40 plus gangsters whos cars ive repaired verry cheap owe me a favour and all the scrotes fekkin know this enything goes missing i tell them they get it back within usually 2 hours i dont particularly want to know what happens to the scrotes just as long as theyre sorted out
got the best vehicle security ever me and it covers any vehicle anything parked outside my house yer dont touch it or youll have all the 40 plus gangsters whos cars ive repaired verry cheap owe me a favour and all the scrotes fekkin know this enything goes missing i tell them they get it back within usually 2 hours i dont particularly want to know what happens to the scrotes just as long as theyre sorted out

i work off my motto look after people and theyll look after you i didnt know whos cars i was repairing but they were legal n straight as these lads ave retired from their game but styill know whos doing the theiving what they actually do is try and teach such scrotes what happens if you do walk their old line with examples of their past hard learned lessons
its mainly a case of the scrotes know that i know these people and they dont want to mess for fear of being mutilated or something wich suits me down to the ground
no tto mention the last car that went i found it 2 streets away i sat in the car and waited for them comeing back as they came walseing round the corner i got out with me baseball bat and just stated that if they touch anything of mine again they will be dealt with good n propper
i got in the car and drove home
a week later i was doing the brakes on me trailer in the front garden and a tribe of hoodies were walking past one said what bout this car and 3 others just said dont you fekkin dare that car belongs to some fekkin hard b@stard from rochdale and he knows irish kev and his mates
fukkin leave it touch wood ive never had any more trouble since

snd ive just realised ive wrote all this in the wrong thread i thought i was on another thread commenting on landy security (serious blonde moment during a migraine ) sorry chaps
i work off my motto look after people and theyll look after you i didnt know whos cars i was repairing but they were legal n straight as these lads ave retired from their game but styill know whos doing the theiving what they actually do is try and teach such scrotes what happens if you do walk their old line with examples of their past hard learned lessons
its mainly a case of the scrotes know that i know these people and they dont want to mess for fear of being mutilated or something wich suits me down to the ground
no tto mention the last car that went i found it 2 streets away i sat in the car and waited for them comeing back as they came walseing round the corner i got out with me baseball bat and just stated that if they touch anything of mine again they will be dealt with good n propper
i got in the car and drove home
a week later i was doing the brakes on me trailer in the front garden and a tribe of hoodies were walking past one said what bout this car and 3 others just said dont you fekkin dare that car belongs to some fekkin hard b@stard from rochdale and he knows irish kev and his mates
fukkin leave it touch wood ive never had any more trouble since

snd ive just realised ive wrote all this in the wrong thread i thought i was on another thread commenting on landy security (serious blonde moment during a migraine ) sorry chaps

Not being funny but have you ever heard of something called punctuation?
Not being funny but have you ever heard of something called punctuation?

yeah but i cant get me head round it as its part of my dyslexia so i dont really bother with it but atleast i have learned to spell pretty much anything now i think :):):)

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