All cars before 2001 below 1549cc £145
All cars before 1 mar 2001 over 1549cc £230.
If corbyn gets in.. The sky's the limit...!!!
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So what about a car before 2001 above 1549cc ? Corbyn? From the Sooty show :)
Oops all cars before 2001, I'll correct that,
corbyn, that labour idiot, the vegetarian, pacifist, city dweller., you can guarrentee if he gets in all private motoring would get hammered again ( especially 4WD) to push us on to the non existent public transport.
They are already hammered! £1,000 first year tax on most "premium" 4x4's.

The laughable thing is, that if you take whole life of vehicle (not just tailpipe emissions) the Defender is pretty much the most environmentally friendly vehicle you can buy.
Only beaten l believe by the Jeep Wrangler (due to them lasting longer before chassis replacement most are in the USA where the climate is drier with no salt on the roads)
Oops all cars before 2001, I'll correct that,
corbyn, that labour idiot, the vegetarian, pacifist, city dweller., you can guarrentee if he gets in all private motoring would get hammered again ( especially 4WD) to push us on to the non existent public transport.

I cant see Labour getting into power for a generation or two.
One day they may actually find a leader who is not a cock!

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