I think the reason for the brown horse been pushed forward is to keep the coloured horse from reacting to the cars,ie if it sees the brown horse been ok then it will probably be fine.My wife does pairs cross country with a girl who horse will not jump anything by itself but will follow another horse over anything.
I think the reason for the brown horse been pushed forward is to keep the coloured horse from reacting to the cars,ie if it sees the brown horse been ok then it will probably be fine.My wife does pairs cross country with a girl who horse will not jump anything by itself but will follow another horse over anything.

correct in that line of thinking............ And at first the colored horse rider looked like a rookie, giving the horse the wrong cue to the horse with the reigns making it back up
All sounds reasonable. Maybe a hand signal to us in the cars would have been reasonable do you think? Just wondering me not being a horsey person.
They should of gotten off the trail further.......... and the colored horses rider should of dismounted and held the horse by the headstall. then gave a wave to proceed
to be honest i dont see anything outrageous in that vid. Both parties seemed reasoable, the rear horse rider may have only been out a couple of times before or something. Seemed ok to me.
to be honest i dont see anything outrageous in that vid. Both parties seemed reasoable, the rear horse rider may have only been out a couple of times before or something. Seemed ok to me.

yes nothing outrageous, just little improvements for safety sake, hate to see a horse hurt
to be honest i dont see anything outrageous in that vid. Both parties seemed reasoable, the rear horse rider may have only been out a couple of times before or something. Seemed ok to me.

Yeah sorry I wasn't saying that. I was making the point that's how most 4x4 drivers approach horses and lanes as opposed to the popular myths the people in the Peaks like to put out
Yep brown one is pushed forward to protect the less confident one
Tbh if mine was twitchy like that I'd get off and be down by her head reassuring her
Yeah sorry I wasn't saying that. I was making the point that's how most 4x4 drivers approach horses and lanes as opposed to the popular myths the people in the Peaks like to put out

oh sorry i got the wrong end of the stick lol, i see what you mean.

I think you showed exemplary behaviour :D
To be honest the coloured didn't look nervous, it was taking the ****. Probably a less than confident rider. Worst thing you can do is get off, unless its in a position where staying on would be dangerous.

It needed riding forward with a lot more confidence than she was showing, and that doesn't necessarily mean she was inexperienced, just nervous.

I wish everyone was as considerate as you were when meeting horses. God knows what happened to that pair if any of the trail bikes were around.

No good posting that on here though, post it on Horse and Hound forum :D:D They are the ones you need to convince

Horse and Hound Forums
To be honest the coloured didn't look nervous, it was taking the ****. Probably a less than confident rider. Worst thing you can do is get off, unless its in a position where staying on would be dangerous.

It needed riding forward with a lot more confidence than she was showing, and that doesn't necessarily mean she was inexperienced, just nervous.

I wish everyone was as considerate as you were when meeting horses. God knows what happened to that pair if any of the trail bikes were around.

No good posting that on here though, post it on Horse and Hound forum :D:D They are the ones you need to convince

Horse and Hound Forums

Do a paste and post on there........ Sue
Ellebarto ...posted my theory on the series 3 forum , but basically I agree with suew , asking your horse to stand with it's back to an approaching noise is just stoopid , being flight animals means they like to get a good look at the impending predator so she asked for him to be a prat. Your driving was spot on and yes she could have given you some hand signals if she felt that there was any sort of problem .... All looked pretty benign to me , but it's imperative that we all acknowledge one another's usage on these lanes , being both a rider and a green laner , I find a smile and a thank you go a long way :)
I think its the shame the horsey folk dont join the green laners in the fight to keep the lanes open. The walkers are already trying to remove horses from a lot of places.

Girl on the yard was telling me tonight she went for a ride on Otley Chevin, got into a fight with a group of walkers who were having a picnic in the middle of the horses only gallop path.

In the end she just told them she was coming through and let the horse go :D:D:D:D

They soon moved

And just to prove she was right this is the map of the area. The green dots which say "horses only"

I think its the shame the horsey folk dont join the green laners in the fight to keep the lanes open. The walkers are already trying to remove horses from a lot of places.

Girl on the yard was telling me tonight she went for a ride on Otley Chevin, got into a fight with a group of walkers who were having a picnic in the middle of the horses only gallop path.

In the end she just told them she was coming through and let the horse go :D:D:D:D

They soon moved

And just to prove she was right this is the map of the area. The green dots which say "horses only"


I'm hearing other people developing that attitude with 4x4's. Basically we have tried being nice, we have tried discussing it but now enough is enough - coming through!

You can obviously see that I'm big into making films and I'm always very conscious of doing the right thing but it does get annoying. I rode shotgun on this day and waved and smiled at everyone like a loon. Are kid sat next to me saying I don't know why you bother they are all a gang of miserable tossers and he was right really. We got one group of mountain bikers who were good lads and chatted with us but everyone else was just miserable with us no matter how hard we tried.

I know its the same old story but I rarely go to the Peaks now because of this and then you read about the dodgy decision making going on in the PDNPA where these people seem to have infiltrated. It just boils my ****!!
To be honest the coloured didn't look nervous, it was taking the ****. Probably a less than confident rider. Worst thing you can do is get off, unless its in a position where staying on would be dangerous.

It needed riding forward with a lot more confidence than she was showing, and that doesn't necessarily mean she was inexperienced, just nervous.

I wish everyone was as considerate as you were when meeting horses. God knows what happened to that pair if any of the trail bikes were around.

No good posting that on here though, post it on Horse and Hound forum :D:D They are the ones you need to convince

Horse and Hound Forums

I agree the rider looked more nervous than the coloured but no problem with how anyone behaved.

I do think the captions need some work though as it seemed to be critical of the riders and I felt rather confused at the end thinking I had missed something

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