Richard Baker

New Member

only bought the car on Friday...first of all EAS issue, car puffed up like a monster truck...had a cheque made out to Datatek to diagnose issue and on the passenger seat ready to post...however this morning it wouldn't start....:doh: !!

So I push (yes push) the car out of the way and get the trusty 15 year old Porker out of the garage and leave the Rangey looking rather forlorn on the drive, 3 corners sat on thier butt and front passenger side up in the air!!

Car turned over, nothing catching...any ideas?

Feeling a bit fed up that I've bought a bit of a lemon, car is 4.6l Vogue on a 'Y' plate..someone tell me everything will be ok....:rolleyes:

Cheers for any help

Loss of sync is the common problem on the V8 I believe bit I'm not very knowlegable on the V8.
It is very common for the BeCM (Body Electrical Control Module) to lose sync with the Engine ECU....

They need to 'Handshake' when you start the car, to ensure you aren't plugging in a rouge BeCM to bypass the immobiliser....

If the BeCM and the ECU aren't synch'ed, they car won't start....

Now here's the bitch.....unless someone close to you has a FaultMate, Testbook or Blackbox Solutions Sync-Mate tool and is willing to come over and reset the are a bit stuck....the Sync-Mate is around the £80-90 mark....

That is the most common reason for not starting, and unfortunatly it is quite common on the petrol models and not so much on the Diesels, so it may well be worth getting a Sync-Mate or if you can stretch to it the FaultMate reader device for diagnosing the systems.

Not a lemon...just the usual P38 issues....owning one is a hobby and a lifestyle.
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...I've got AA cover...will they be able to get going do you think? If not can anybody out there come to my rescue? I'm in the Egham area of Surrey....I can see a 'hobby' coming on....
You can call them and ask if they have the computer systems for the P38 but as far as I know it can only be done with the Land Rover Testbook, Autologic System, Rovacom system, Black Box Solutions Faultmate MSV (not sur eif the FCR will do it...anyone know??), or the Black Box Solutions Sync-Mate tool.

I live close-ish, but I own none of these, sorry....
Very the two ECU's for the EAS and the Engine are totally seperate (except to say they both plug into the BeCM).

But then again, it is a P38 and anything is possible, although highly unlikely....

Just a quickie your battery top dollar?? As a weak battery will cause untold amounts of issues with a P38....
Another there any messages up on the Dashboard similar to 'ENGINE DISABLED' or 'KEYCODE LOCKOUT' or 'ENTER KEYCODE' or 'PRESS REMOTE' ??

Do you have the EKA (Emergency Key Access) code? This is the sequence of key turns in the door lock to unlock the immobiliser in the event of Remote Handset failure....

Worth a shot giving that a go, although a loss of BeCM/ECU sync is the prime suspect here.
I doubt the RAC or AA will be able to help as they had no clue when mine went out of sync. They said the FIP was u/s!! Best to get a syncmate as this may be your cheapest and quickest option. Then check your RF receiver is the newer type.
If youve only just bought perhaps you could take it back to the dealer (if you didnt buy it privately). Is he nearby?

Alternatively stick it on ebay as a non-runner - itll have some scrap value.

it will be fine - just needs a bit of TLC. As said earlier, get it re-sync'd (could always go to dealer as an option) and the EAS software & cable, and once these teething troubles are sorted you'll never look back
It could be something far more mundane than being out of sync. Start with the basics -fuel, air and spark. Good luck and stay positive!
...AA was a very nice chap and my spirits were lifted when he said he ran an itentical one...but alas after and hour and a half of prodding and poking he admitted defeat so its off to nearest 4x4 specialist...hoping they can give it a resync. Does anybody have any experience of them...the chap sounded nice enough but did make my heart drop a bit when he said it might be the main BcEM unit gone night night and that a new one was £700....Mrs B is not going to be please...Xmas might get cancelled! Fingers crossed
Rich m8 your asking people for advice and your getting gold here, listen to them first get the Sync-Mate (about £80) then you can spend £700 of your well earned dosh on a bit of kit
...AA was a very nice chap and my spirits were lifted when he said he ran an itentical one...but alas after and hour and a half of prodding and poking he admitted defeat so its off to nearest 4x4 specialist...hoping they can give it a resync. Does anybody have any experience of them...the chap sounded nice enough but did make my heart drop a bit when he said it might be the main BcEM unit gone night night and that a new one was £700....Mrs B is not going to be please...Xmas might get cancelled! Fingers crossed

The chances of it being the BECM are remote to say the least, Rick the Pick will fix if it has gone for much less that £700. Almost certainly it's a loss of sync problem. The BECM gets blamed for all sorts of things, often it's as simple as a duff fuse box, or as already stated a loss of sync.:)
Sounds like your being lined up for a shafting! Did AA chap do a diagnostic check? Might shed some light on what's going on
When mine first lost sync a good few years ago, the basic AA code reader did throw up the code that showed this. Did your AA man give you a list of the codes that came up? The costs you are possibly going to mount up in the next few days will be much higher than the cost of a sync-mate. Mine has paid for itself twice over as from memory I've lost sync about 5 times!!!

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