
New Member
Hi everybody

My ignition is not consistant.

Iddle is not steady, power is not steady, and when i use the timing lamp, there is small irregular black time where the lamp don't flash.

So i guess my ignition got a troubble.

After changing coil, lead, sparkplug, rotor head and tip, i want to check the amplifier and the magnetic sensor.

What the way to check them ?

Can the amplifier work bad, or is it a "i work or not that's it "?

In the first case, how is it possible to check it ?

Thanks by advance for your answers.

Sunny greatings

Gilles the greenislander
connectors on the coil wires are most probably green....change them also test wiring from the coil to the distributor as they break in the loom above the alternator and or they corrode in the multiplug around the alternator area ( assuming this is a rrc) also try using the strobe light on a different plug lead to see if the problem still arrises as it could just be the plug leads breaking down ( even new ones can be faulty)

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