
New Member
Hello all!

First post but been lurking for a while. My (new to me) Disco 3 TDV6 06 is giving me some right grief already and I've only owned it for a few weeks - I now understand why the previous owner was keen to get rid and it should have set off alarm bells. Anyway, as I'm lumbered with it I might as well get it fixed!

So, within a couple of days of getting it it would come up with 'suspension fault' go to amber then red. The rear would raise with the associated warnings on the dash which would then clear. Vehicle would then drive fine after that. However, it has now gone crazy and drops down to the bump stumps. When you use any of the different height settings it will go down to access height and then immediately up to extended mode. Looking at service history it looks like the compressor was replaced in 2013 and it's the AMK compressor that's on it now. One other thing that I noticed - we have a bit of a ridge in the road leading from our house - when you go over it the vehicle has a really hard jolt and is dampened at all.

Any input is greatly appreciated as I really love this vehicle already!!!


I think you will need to get codes read but I would GUESS at ride height sensors.

Gets code read and come back
If you can afford to buy the Gap IID tool, its 400 quid which lets be honest is a **** load of money, but it will save you that many times over.
Td5 was the start of the need to own a diagnostic tool, tdv6 its an essential bit of kit.
It will show you everything the compressor is doing, including pressures/temps etc AND the height sensor readings.

The IID tool is locked to your cars vin but will still read codes on other motors, you can also programme engine.gearbox, just about every ecu, adjust many many settings and when you fcuk up you email Gap and they tell you how to undo your fcuk up for free!
I think I'll be asking Santa for a IID tool, however, in the mean time I got a second hand FCR pretty cheap to read the codes. My initial suspicions have always been the compressor (it's been noisy). A little bit more on this - went to Yeovil main stealer last weekend as I'd read about the "replacing the rear-light bulbs with non-genuine (which I had) causing all sorts of issues" after taking the non-genuine bulb out. I got hold of a genuine bulb, popped it in. Vehicle drove fine for 60 miles and then bing-bong, suspension fault. Again. (Genuinely thought I'd cracked it). I've also ordered a new brake switch which I'm off to pick up today, but in the meantime ordered a non-OEM form Britpart but that hasn't done anything.

SO, codes... Initial reading I had;
C1A74 rear left sensor
C1A03 front left sensor
C1A04 front right sensor
C1A07 cross actuation algorithm

I cleared these out and took her for a drive. No issue for about 8 miles then "bing-bong" drop to the bump stops. When I got home I read the fault codes again, and only C1A07 came up. The other weird thing is that when the codes are cleared, or when it wasn't playing up, the ride height was higher; it almost feels like I'm driving around in access mode.

I think the plan today (if/when the weather eases up) will be to get new OEM brake light switch and fit that then check all of the sensor connections. I've ordered a refurb kit for the compressor; I'm not against buying a new one but if something can be fixed then I'd rather fix it!

Anyone got any further advice/wisdom they can impart?!?!


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