
New Member
Born in North Louisiana, live near Houston. 4 children 1.5 ex wives 2 mut pit bull dogs. Come on here to get info. on engine swap but, I will follow forum etiquette and ask in another thread.
Welcome to the loonyzone, Schlomo! :)
A fairly typical North American then! ;) :D
Out of passing interest, what is the .5 of an ex wife like?
Welcome to the loonyzone, Schlomo! :)
A fairly typical North American then! ;) :D
Out of passing interest, what is the .5 of an ex wife like?
Divorced me after 16yrs then moved back in after 6 months of living with her mother...wouldn't wish that women even on my ex so I had no choice but to allow it.
Divorced me after 16yrs then moved back in after 6 months of living with her mother...wouldn't wish that women even on my ex so I had no choice but to allow it.
Fair enough! Hope she pays a share of the bills!
I should imagine changing the engine will be a breeze compared to sorting that out! :D

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