
New Member
Afternoon All,

Am I really Too late ?

I really really need your urgent advice. My ordered car (Discovery sport) isn't due until the 7th September, so I thought I was in plenty of time to change the upholstery colour, so was shocked that when I called the garage on Friday at 4.30 pm that I only had until 5pm that day.
I asked to change from tan to Cirrus, but the salesman recommended I went for the 'cream'. Under pressure, I agreed. I now want to change back to MY choice of cirrus, after seeing an example of it yesterday on a vehicle- (the website gives a very poor representation of colour but have been told this in now not possible as the deadline has been passed.
I an desperate to have this change made, and can't understand why this can't be done for the sake of 1 working day,even though the 'build date' is nearly 6 weeks away.
Does anyone have any ideas how I should go about trying to overturn this 'machine says' decision- surely someone at the right level could make a call, after all we are talking about 1 working day ?
Advice would be invaluable.
Best regards
I'm not sure what the build time is on a new disco. It's only ten days on a defender... Maybe go above your sales guy... Mine was useless.
it's people like you that make me sick, you can't just change your mind on a whim like that, have a thought for all the cream cows they have just gone out and shot :(
Thinking about it - it should say on the paper work when you signed and paid your deposit about the cut off days for things... I know with mine I could cancel the entire order and get a full refund 30 days before the build date and I changed the full colour and interior of mine about 5 weeks before the build date...

But I'm assuming the disco isn't thrown together in the same way a DS is...

But yep. Check your paper work before you call them :)
it's people like you that make me sick, you can't just change your mind on a whim like that, have a thought for all the cream cows they have just gone out and shot :(


Just remember the cream leffer comes from baby veals!

Eee... First World problems from them wi' brass...

I'm having trouble deciding to pay £1.00 for 18 rolls of poundland's own Izal lav roll or get a papar round and nick the Barnsley Independent so we can eat until payday and still wipe our arses... :rolleyes:
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Last I heard, from my son who works at Halewood, was that there were about 2000 disco sports parked up at the factory awaiting the sorting out of faults, which doesn't bode well. Bu then I suppose it's good that they've spotted the problems now and not after they've been delivered.
Why, if you had a query about your order, would you go online and ask a load of internet warriors what to do? Surely asking the people you're buying it off would make more sense.
Why, if you had a query about your order, would you go online and ask a load of internet warriors what to do? Surely asking the people you're buying it off would make more sense.

I'm getting a tiny whiff of bovine odour about this thread :rolleyes:
You'd be better talking to LR Customer Services than spending time on here. And the build 'kit' of a few thousand bits and pieces is bought and brought together for your chosen pride and joy just a little bit before the week its booked to go down the assembly line.......:rolleyes: Enjoy! A
Bloody hell. Ain't hard to pick an interior for a car is it? Pick it and be done. None of this changing minds bollocks. Too right you're too late.
You lot are harsh!!!!! We are supposed to be an inclusive forum! i mean, we let Thor stay!:D

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