
Hi everyone,

The external termperature display on my 2001 P38 DHSE are all over the place - does anyone else suffer from the same? Generally it appears to read low by 4-5C, but first thing in the morning it appears to be very optimistic, reading far too high..

I found the following on rangerovers.net:

Ambient Temperature Sensor Faults: The sensor that purports to tell the driver and the climate control ECU what the outside temperature is, can often be erratic.

Apart from this being an irritation, I guess it is messing up my climate control in the car? (Not quite sure how the ambient temperature outside impacts this - perhaps someone can shed some light??). Might explain why I need to have the temperature so high at night time...

Anyways, I plan to replace it, but I can't find one anywhere! Does anyone know of a source for a replacement in the UK?

Thanks a lot folks,

I live in the tropics where its pretty damn hot anyway but I think my sensor still reads high by 5 - 8 degrees. Should this bother me? Is it some kind of calibration issue or do I need a new sensor? My thinking is that if it only sends data to the aircon ecu its not worth bothering about but if its feeding info to any other "brains" I might need to worry? Thanks for any advice!
My 99 Range Rover DHSE has a similar problem, Ice on the glass outside, temp reads +7 degrees.
I am happy to change the sensor but where is it?
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