
Active Member
Hi All,
Started the CAR this morning, blooming freezing Cold DROVE FOR A COUPLE OF HUNDRED YARDS AND Then the amber Engine Malfunction WARNING LIGHT came on then stayed on for a couple of seconds and then went off. It did this on and off for about a half mile and whilst on would not change up a gear. When it was sufficently hot it didn"t come on again. So do you reckon it was something to do with it being really Cold last night?.
I created a Thread a couple of weeks ago concerning the Auto Box and the need for cleaning or topping up, could this be something to do with it?
Any help or advice very welcome.
Hi All,
Started the CAR this morning, blooming freezing Cold DROVE FOR A COUPLE OF HUNDRED YARDS AND Then the amber Engine Malfunction WARNING LIGHT came on then stayed on for a couple of seconds and then went off. It did this on and off for about a half mile and whilst on would not change up a gear. When it was sufficently hot it didn"t come on again. So do you reckon it was something to do with it being really Cold last night?.
I created a Thread a couple of weeks ago concerning the Auto Box and the need for cleaning or topping up, could this be something to do with it?
Any help or advice very welcome.
The cold might have something to with it but it wont be the main reason. I never had that problem with my serengeti in even colder temps. One of the sensors is on the way out I would think. Maybe time to get the codes read before the engine management light comes on and stays on permanently.

My guess would be the fuel rail sensor connections need cleaning.
Simple to do, release and unplug the connector non the battery end of fuel rail. Spray with switch cleaner and refit. Repeat a few times.
If you can read the codes then that would confirm it.

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