
Active Member
I need some input from some of my fellow female LZoner's, i,ve just brought an old motorbike as a project and the plan was to do it up over the winter, i can just about squeeze it into my garage but it will be a tight fit to work on. Whilst twiddling my thumbs waiting for the rain to stop before i went back out to play, it suddenly occurred to me that i had the perfect location to rebuild my bike, the back room! now before everybody tells me what a stupid idea this is, let me just set the scene about the state of the room, it has'nt been decorated in ten years, there is an old dismantled bed frame against one wall, a tumble drier, various piles of i don't know what, that havn't moved since we moved in fifteen years ago, a dogs bed and food/water bowls, a broken down washing machine and a lump of lino on the floor that Noah rejected for the Ark as to worn out! when i put this plan of mine to the lady of the manor, you would have thought that i had asked her to partake in some kind of sexually deviant behaviour! (this would'nt be the first time!) so am i being unreasonable? your thoughts please:scratching_chin::scratching_chin::scratching_chin:
i rebuilt an Xr400 in a house I shared with 2 gurls and they were fine with it. I think they loved the smell of oil

I also built my CR500 in my flat. My (now) wife wasnt that impressed though
i rebuilt an Xr400 in a house I shared with 2 gurls and they were fine with it. I think they loved the smell of oil

I also built my CR500 in my flat. My (now) wife wasnt that impressed though

Think you picked the wrong wife

:behindsofa: :D
If it's a room I could close the door on and not have the world see if they popped round then I can't see the issue myself. ....unless of course your mrs wants you out of the house and out of her space and into the garage ;)
Creative thinking......

Somehow work the bike rebuild into sexually deviant behavior. She will either leave or agree.

it's a win/win :D
You could always promise to redecorate the room after the bike's finished. Or at least fix the washing machine.
What kind of bike is it by the way?
If she cooks you nice food, cleans and irons, she takes her job seriously it's her house.

Always good to get the Victorian perspective on women's liberation :rolleyes:....she takes her JOB seriously :eek:
What sort of wife thinks that working on motorbike sin the house is not acceptable? Just do it, and if she moans tell her to get back to the washing up!
My wife says to offer to do the room up afterwards so you can use it. Currently it is no more than a shed.
hmm a motorbike....

i got no go on putting my time trial bike up on the wall in our spare room ..... that thing is immaculate and IMO is a work of art - it deserves to be on display and protected from the dust and flying rust that is my garage.
I sold a motorbike to a very atractive young woman, she had not got her licence, still doing the trainiing, so I had to deliver. I was a bit surprised when she asked me and my mate to get it up the three steps to her flat and park it in the front room:eek::)
listen to your wife, or your home will be like an oily hovel with filth and faeces up the walls.
loved some of the replies....
many years ago I was racing minis and kept blowing them up :rolleyes:
at the time we lived in a posh village in nice bungalow that had a huge kitchen.
I used to rebuild the race engine/gearbox on a cardboard covered pine dining table over a few days, normaly every month or so (hate minis now)
my mrs was fine with it all provided I clean up as I did..
nowadays, I get scorn poured upon me If I dare walk in and out in overalls/workshoes more than once or twice a day, even though we have wood floors - easy to clean.

Thinking out loud, my mrs saw so much of me in overalls during my 14 years of racing plus the following years of car repairing/servicing at home, her attitudes changed.

even now I have 2 outside mats to wipe my boots/shoes on, plus 1 inside mat and still get my shoes/boots looked at as If the devil was inside them.........

Oh, I`m not allowed to sit on anything inside "her" home, but do as I likey in MY bedroom and comfey computor chair when still wearing my

things change over the years I guess, as when your younger, its all a bit of a laugh.... ;)

finished the fecking KA yesterday with its MOT ...hurrah....

my lexus is due next week for MOT..........
More overalls and boots I guess

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