
Active Member
Hi folks, I'm have trouble doing a search on my iphone, so thought i'd just ask.

is the a corrosion treatment for aluminium that can be painted over once cured? (one that works)
there is some surface corrosion and pitting on body panels, whats the best thing to clean off the corrosion prior to etch priming?
Usually ali pitting and blistering is where it's in close contact with steel......on a Landy that means the problem is on the inside! Only way to completely prevent it is to isolate from steel and then prevent water getting anywhere near.....

Yeah right! :p:rolleyes:
We used to use a yellow putty type stuff on the copters but fooked if I can remember whats twas called

For defender door frames where the aluminum skin touches a good primeron the steel and then when that is dry a good grade silicon ( not bath tube crap) but a good quality construction grade
its not so much where the steel meets the ally, i looks for like its where the outer skin has been scratched or paint is very thin. but yes, the frames are f@@k3d too lol, but i've just ordered the repair sections from YRM for that. I'll use the above tips to prevent further corrosion on the rebuild :)
For defender door frames where the aluminum skin touches a good primeron the steel and then when that is dry a good grade silicon ( not bath tube crap) but a good quality construction grade

NNNNOOOOOO! the last thing yu need is acetic acid on aluminium!

We used silicone to seal CV-580 windscreens back in the early 90's and had to put a stop to it because of that reason.

read this...$FILE/AC%2043-4a%20.pdf

Sikaflex and Vulkem are better.
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NNNNOOOOOO! the last thing yu need is acetic acid on aluminium!

We used silicone to seal CV-580 windscreens back in the early 90's and had to put a stop to it because of that reason.

read this...$FILE/AC%2043-4a%20.pdf

Sikaflex and Vulkem are better.
looked at the pics not going to read it all, so the chemicals in solicon then cause issues
and that is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ But it is only a defender and they really don't fly:rolleyes: maybe tar in a tube would be good then, a thin layer , or a spray rubber product

Of course it is. The aircraft industry have spent billions on anticorrosion products and protection. As I said before, use sikaflex to act as an electrolytic barrier, but once it's corroded, it's nasty stuff to fix it and then prep it for use.

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