
Hello there, thought i would introduce myself im Hippy (Dan) and have been into the lr scene since i was ohh about 4 years old going green laining with my old man ..and at 8 i was pluggin around a feild in a s2 etc lol.

now have a 1973 ex raf swb S3 which i think i may have sold :( (was no longer practical for what i needed) so will be on the look out for a 86 swb county td very shortly.

Welcome to the forum Hippy, up to your neck in mud from the age of 4, I guess you bleed green then? As for the 73' Series 3, "Head over heart is always a killer."
Aye tell me about it, rebuilt that 73, after a rather large tree tried to flatten it. so a early 90 county will do for now....know of any going for sale under the 3k bracket?

:cool: Hippy:cool:

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